![Jørn Utzon](/assets/uploads/publicaciones/28637/pub_mid/av_28636_1.webp?h=d723cf9e)
(Copenhague, 1918 - Elsinor, 2008)
After leaving Australia in 1966, Utzon decided to build a getaway where he could spend time with his family, and in Mallorca he found the ideal place. However, as time went by Can Lis became, as happened with his other few works, a pilgrimage site fo
Up to the 1930s, Kuwait was still a compact city with one and two-story buildings within the boundaries of the old city wall, but the discovery of oil spurred an explosive growth. When in 1961 it declared total independence from the British protector
In the 1960s, Herning – a small town in the center of Jutland – became a cultural reference for art, with an intense cultural life promoted by the rich textile industry. In this context, Utzon was commissioned to design an experimental school that sh
In 1957, when he was 38 years old, Utzon won the competition to build the Sydney Opera House at Bennelong Point, a small cape located at the center of the Bay, between the interior port and the coast. It was a moment of change in Australia, an optimi
Built in 1959 and in 1963 respectively, the Kingo and Fredensborg houses share one same system of organic growth based on the repetition of the same residential type. In both cases, the main idea is to combine the privacy of domestic life – through i
Built in 1959 and in 1963 respectively, the Kingo and Fredensborg houses share one same system of organic growth based on the repetition of the same residential type. In both cases, the main idea is to combine the privacy of domestic life – through i
In 1538, after the Protestant reformation in Denmark, Bagsværd Church was demolished per order of the king to use its stones in the refurbishment of the bishop’s old palace, where Lutheran theology would be imparted. Four centuries later, in 1969, th
After leaving Australia in 1966, Utzon decided to build a getaway where he could spend time with his family, and in Mallorca he found the ideal place. However, as time went by Can Lis became, as happened with his other few works, a pilgrimage site fo
Para el ruso Melnikov, su vivienda se convirtió en su cárcel. Philip Johnson exhibió su día a día en la Glass House y Le Corbusier eligió para él la cabaña más pequeña que jamás había diseñado. El edificio de viviendas sociales de El Ruedo (Madrid, 1
Issue 5 of Zodiac, published in the spring of 1960, showed how Jørn Utzon’s winning the competition for the Sydney Opera House was not a mere stroke of luck, and that he was an architect to watch out for. Works like the water tower on Bornholm or the
The illusory somewhat agricultural character of the Bagsværd Church, designed soon after Jørn Utzon’s return to Denmark from Australia, seems to confirm that in a secular age spiritual structures may be more effectively evoked through the evocation o
Considering that Jørn Utzon’s architecture is based on a phenomenological and empirical experience that gravitates essentially around perceptive aspects like light, movement, topography, and materials, it may seem illogical to talk about projects whi
Dear Jørn: A hundred years, it’s daunting. How to ‘wish you a happy birthday’? These words are pronounced many times in the course of a lifetime. If this greeting works, it’s because it expresses celebration and good wishes at the same time, because
Jørn Utzon’s design method was hermeneutic and intuitive. His chief assistant Mogens Prip-Buus describes the team’s work method in Logbook 1 (the Courtyard Houses) as follows: “….we didn’t work on the basis or around theories, we merely tried to unde
The development of Utzon’s designs – perhaps of most good designs? – seems to have been characterised by moments of insight punctuating protracted periods of hard work to explore their implications. Nowhere was this truer than in Sydney. The vital sp
El centenario de Utzon es una buena oportunidad para constatar la actualidad de su obra, inspirada en metáforas naturales y arquitectónicas.
A hundred years have passed since the birth of Jørn Utzon, the Danish visionary who with one of the most iconic buildings of the 20th century was a pioneer in giving form to the society of the spectacle. The Sydney Opera House, nevertheless, does not
Anuncia muy bien su título el contenido de este libro, con el que el autor añade nuevos capítulos a su ya nutrida colección de textos de arquitectura. Tres son a mi entender los territorios que habitualmente explora como escritor Antón Capitel: la ar
La imputación de Santiago Calatrava en el caso de la presunta contratación ilícita del anteproyecto para una nueva ópera en la bahía de Palma, encargado en 2007 al arquitecto por el gobierno de Jaume Matas, constituye el último eslabón del proceso ju
«Un profesional puro, no un dialéctico ajeno a la práctica de la arquitectura». Las palabras que Alvar Aalto dedicó a Erik Gunnar Asplund tras su fallecimiento hubieran sido sin duda idóneas para describir al propio Aalto y a Jørn Utzon, a quienes ha
De todas las fotos conocidas de Jørn Utzon, destacaríamos dos. En la primera se ve al arquitecto sentado en el suelo combinando una serie de maquetas de su propuesta Espansiva. La segunda, un Utzon longevo que sostiene la ensortijada rama de un árbol
(1918-2008) A year before his death, Jørn Utzon had changed his Majorcan refuge of Can Feliz for this native Denmark. He had already turned 90 and had been detached from professional practice for decades, though he still collaborated with his s
La colección de documentales cuya primera entrega acompañó el número 125 de AV dedicado a Oscar Niemeyer ha llegado ya a su sexto volumen. La serie, impulsada por la Fundación Arquia Caja de Arquitectos, ofrece nuevos puntos de vista sobre la histori
Bløndal acaba de publicar un libro de John Pardey titulado Louisiana and Beyond, dedicado al arquitecto danés Vilhelm Wohlert (1920-2007). Wohlert estudió en la Escuela de Copenhague, donde impartían clases profesores como Kay Fisker, Steen Eiler Ra
Hace poco más de un año cambió su refugio mallorquín de Can Feliz por su Dinamarca natal. Tenía 90 años cumplidos y llevaba décadas alejado de la profesión, aunque colaboraba como asesor en los proyectos de sus hijos Kim y Jan. De un paro cardíaco, m
La figura del ingeniero Ove Arup es igualmente respetada por arquitectos e ingenieros, habiendo contribuido como nadie a fomentar un espíritu de confianza, colaboración y respeto entre ambas profesiones. El libro de Peter Jones es la primera biograf
Con motivo del nonagésimo aniversario del arquitecto Jørn Utzon, nacido en Copenhague el 9 de abril de 1918, acaban de aparecer dos nuevos volúmenes: Sketches. A Tribute to Jørn Utzon, de Arkitektens Forlag y la monografía titulada Kuwait National As
A excepción de la emblemática Ópera de Sidney, la obra de Utzon ha estado alejada durante décadas del reconocimiento merecido. Desde que Sigfried Giedion lo calificara como el último eslabón del Movimiento Moderno hasta el homenaje del Premio Pritzke
Jørn Utzon Coinciding with its 25th anniversary, the Pritzker Prize has decided to amend a historic injustice: Jørn Utzon (Copenhagen, 1918) has been honored with the award over twenty years after retiring in Majorca. After a short and intense career
To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the Pritzk-er Prize goes to a great Dane who a quarter-century ago had already made history. In 1978 Jørn Utzon received the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects – a prestigious centenarian award
Es curioso que el autor de uno de los edificios más célebres del siglo XX, la Ópera de Sidney, haya permanecido ignorado durante tanto tiempo. Amplia, coherente y original, su visión arquitectónica parece también responder anticipadamente a ciertos i
Moisés Puente Conversaciones y otros escritos
Jørn Utzon
Hellerup 2009
Bløndal - 312 Pages
Copenhagen 2008
Arkitektens Forlag - 75 Pages
Hellerup 2008
Bløndal - 264 Pages
Mogens Prip-Buss
Marievej 2004
Bløndal - 180 Pages
Françoise Fromonot architetto della Sydney Opera House