With the idea of recovering the ‘ensemble’ and giving the Monastery a new purpose, the proposal traces a closed perimeter creating a circulation ring around it; the extension, partially buried, connects with the gardens through the roof...
Torn down since the end of the 19th century in order to let the city grow, the walls surrounding Palma de Mallorca have preserved to this day a few stretches – those located closer to the sea, towards which the city could not extend further. The fift
Located in Badalona, the Contemporary Culture Center of El Carmen, which borrows its name from the old maternity hospital that used to take up the plot, occupies the corner of Francesc Layret and Sant Francesc d’Assís streets, very close to the Town
The building goes up on a triangular plot, next to the Vapor Sampere building, which is one of the most important examples of industrial architecture in the city of Sabadell, and was built at the beginning of the 20th century to provide energy to the
All the urban activity that Avenida Diagonal concentrates in its long itinerary through Barcelona’s Ensanche was trapped, transformed and outstretched towards the sea by (as it was tagged during the celebration of the Forum of Cultures) the‘esplanade
Inthe north of the city of Tarragona, the campus of Sant Pere de Sescelades extends its facilities and so consolidates the presence of the University Rovira i Virgili in the capital, where it already has eight academic centers – aside from another tw
In the renovation of this house whose main facade looks onto the street San Doménech de Call, in the very heart of Barcelona’s Gothic quarter, bridges serve to connect the past, the present and the future. Ever since its construction – which dates ba
Para llevar la Diagonal hasta el mar se tiende una alfombra de difícil geometría que salva la Ronda litoral y oculta parte de la depuradora existente tras sus bordes plegados. Hacia el puerto, la plaza se desfleca en varios dedos miradores rematados
High building density, winding layouts and the reduced dimensions of the street pattern recommend to avoid traffic in the historic centers of cities, where passers-by and vehicles are headed towards a difficult coexistence. Besides these traditional
La imagen de la casa recuerda la de un barco varado. Situada en un bosque de pinos mediterráneos en el término municipal de Santa Eulalia, en Ibiza, la casa se extiende entre los árboles sin apenas alterar el paisaje, continuando la traza del camino
The architecture of Elias Torres and Jose' Antonio Martínez Lapeña keeps itself on the brinks of theory or method, escaping the corset and moving freely outside center page. If they had to work over a modular scheme, they would choose the millimeter
Thos house was to be built by Erwin Broner, a lively, bohemian German architect and painter who found in Ibiza his garden of the Hesperides and dotted the with white cubist boxes, descendants of a Mediterranean Le Corbusier and of those pioneers of m
A trench has been dug around the old Casa de la Ciudad, with doors and windows bored in its walls. The new staircase providing access to the gate in the Moorish rampart allows for coming and going, and features Itialian-ramp steps.
After 130 years as a private house, Casa Vicens in the city of Barcelona – Antoni Gaudí’s first built work and a UNESCO World Heritage Site – will this coming autumn be opening as a museum, thanks to the painstaking and bias-free restoration and reno
Martínez Lapeña y Torres Since 1932 the Spanish Government has given the National Award for Architecture, which has gone through many ups and downs and changes of direction over the years, but which is still the most prestigious award in Spai
Since 1932 the Spanish Government has given the National Award for Architecture, which has gone through many ups and downs and changes of direction over the years. Since 2001 it has been bestowed not upon a work, but upon an entire career, and since
Concebido como homenaje al material asociado a los recuerdos infantiles de la autora —a quien de niña le gustaba acariciar los muros irregulares del National Theatre de Londres, obra de Denys Lasdun— este volumen es un compendio divulgativo y entusia
The project for the new headquarters of Catalonia’s leading company brings together economic and symbolic issues discussed in Spain’s general election.
Hasta los inicios de este siglo, el conocimiento técnico en el campo de la arquitectura formaba un cuerpo de lentísima evolución, casi inamovible. Tan lenta que cada generación apenas percibía esos cambios y ese tesoro de conocimientos se transmitía
Martínez Lapeña y Torres Of Catalonia's Fomento de las Artes Decorativas awards, granted annually in various categories, the Grand Prizes for Architecture and Opinion bear the most weight. The housing complex of Torres & Martínez Lapeña at the Olymp