The Paris office led by the French Philippe Barthélémy and the Uruguayan Sylvia Griño won the 2016 competition to extend the Glenmorangie Distillery in Tain, in the Highlands of Scotland. The two new industrial buildings have transformed how the plac
A couple bought an old building that stood on a small plot of land in Berlin’s Heiligensee neighborhood, close to the lake of the same name. Combining artificial stone and concrete colored with anthracite pigments, the cubic volume that resulted from
This atelier for the Polish sculptor Monika Sosnowska is the first built work of the Swiss firm Architecture Club, set up in 2017 by Karolina Slawecka (Warsaw, 1980) and Pawel Krzeminski (Warsaw, 1981), who had previously worked in the offices of Pet
The School’s aim is to become a center of excellence for the study of government and public policy within Oxford University, teaching the practice of government in ways which will strengthen communities, create opportunities and foster cooperation ac
Flanked by two bands of services, the central inner bay connects the city to the riverbank, and appears as a large sinuous volume characterized by the metallic materiality of cross-seam zinc panels.
In 1999, the National Assembly of Norway decided that the new Opera House was to be constructed on the Bjørvika peninsula, on the shores of Oslo’s fjord. The new construction was a first step in the development plan for this formerly industrial water
The calligraphy of ramps climbing up the terraces of the park continues in the sinuous folds of a neat envelope, executed with panels of concrete and polyester.
The recently restored castle in the county of Warwickshire is a placid ‘collage’ of contrasting languages where the brick walls of old continue to be the dominant element.
Built on barren land with walls of basalt stone and wood, and taking inspiration from the traditional architecture of the place, the house distributes its pavilions around a courtyard.
Carlow, capital del condado del mismo nombre, es una pequeña ciudad situada al sureste de Irlanda, donde desde hace más de treinta años se celebran dos eventos artísticos de importancia, el Éigse Carlow Arts Festival y Visualise Carlow. En 2004, la a
El Nottingham Contemporary, localizado cerca del castillo de la ciudad y del Museo del Encaje —tejido cuya producción hizo de Nottingham un importante centro industrial en el XIX— ofrece un variado repertorio de espacios expositivos con aspecto de lo
El Museo Fuglsang es un museo de arte regional destinado a albergar la colección permanente de arte danés del periodo comprendido entre 1780 y 1980 del Museo Storstrøm. El edificio, de 2.500 metros cuadrados, cuenta también con nuevas salas para expo
Situada a una hora de Bombay (actualmente Mumbai), la urbe más poblada del Índico con 16 millones de habitantes, la casa se construye a orillas del mar Arábigo como un refugio del ajetreo de la vida en la ciudad. Sorteando los numerosos cocoteros que
El Museo Nacional de las Artes del siglo XXI es el primer museo público de Italia dedicado a la creatividad contemporánea. Su sede se encuentra en el barrio romano de Flaminio, sobre unos antiguos terrenos militares en los que aún quedan algunos cuar
Located in a decaying area by the city center, the Accordia development, which includes this project, is part of the national plan to densify the existing urban areas. The terraced dwellings have two fronts: one towards the tree-lined avenue that con
En el año 1906 entró en funcionamiento el funicular Nordpark, conocido como Hungerburgbahn, que unía el centro de Innsbruck con la pequeña población de Hungerburg situada al norte, en medio de las montañas. Un año antes de cumplir su centenario se ce
En 1857 se construyó la primera versión del museo en South Kensington —en el lugar que ahora ocupa el Victoria & Albert Museum—, formando parte de un complejo erigido por el príncipe Alberto para celebrar éxito obtenido en la Exposición Universal de
Entre las naves del centro de producción que la empresa BMW acaba de inaugurar en la ciudad alemana de Leipzig, se alza como buque insignia el edificio central. Un gran volumen zigzagueante, que extiende sus tentáculos para conectarse a las tres nave
Trapped amid residential buildings in a busy part of West London, this family house can only be explained by the will of the clients, who were determined to build their new home in a particular part of the city where conventional sites were used up m
Under the name ‘Classrooms of the Future’, the Department for Education and Skills of the British Government set up in 2000 a program to assess and update the educational environment, in response to the growing sophistication of teaching methods and
For the hundred years, the material history of the Swedish city of Kalmar has been marked by the shifting of stones, that were first extracted from the surrounding agricultural land to improve farming conditions and afterwards used to raise the bound
The Holton Lee trust, situated in a locality of the same name, is a charitable organization dedicated to the development of disabled people through art, the contact with nature and a nondenominational sense of spirituality. An extensive estate in Dor
Conceived as a coda to a series of important buildings designed by Aalto, Scharoun and Schweger, the science center rounds off the north edge of Wolfsburg’s urban center and serves as a connection with the new Volkswagen town, located at the other en
The once small town of Chelsea, on the outskirts of London, has welcomed kings ministers since the middle ages during their periods of retreat. The waters of the Thames, which served in the past as their principal means of transportation (the river w
Architecture is a spatial and material reality bound to its perceptual nature, created from the architect’s scopic and analytical baggage, documented and disseminated through an imagery filtered by the photographer’s eye. The architect decants realit
On the eve of her exhibition at the Royal Academy, London W1 (23-October-23 January), the photographer explains how she connects with the spirit of the world’s most beautiful buildings. "It’s like being a musician in front a big audience. You can’t g
From April 19 to July 21, 2019, Shanghai’s Power Station of Art will present an exhibition dedicated to the French-Swiss photographer Hélène Binet. It is her first solo institutional exhibition in China. The exhibition will offer a comprehensive over
Beyond architectural documentation, Hélène Binet’s work reinterprets the buildings she photographs transcending the representation of reality to be exhibited as a work of art proper. Born in Switzerland and currently living in London, it was during h
Beyond architectural documentation, Hélène Binet’s work reinterprets the buildings she photographs transcending the representation of reality to be exhibited as a work of art proper. Born in Switzerland and currently living in London, it was during h
El Museo de Arte y Diseño (MAD) de Nueva York, obra del estudio Allied Works, presenta nueva cara. El antiguo edificio de diez plantas ha transformado su severo aspecto hermético abriendo huecos en la fachada ciega y recubriéndola de una piel de cerá
Una edición cuidada y una presentación de lujo, que incluye un reportaje fotográfico a cargo de Hélène Binet, recoge la totalidad de lo que este estudio de Düsseldorf ha producido en los últimos quince años, deteniéndose en una selección de obras y p
Many teams have their origin in the studio of a third architect, and in the case of Adam Caruso (1962) and Peter St. John (1959), associated since 1990, this is Florian Beigel, under whom both once worked and with whom both share an interest in the a
The year of architecture can be summed up with the names of three architects and one city: Alvar Aalto, Renzo Piano, Peter Zumthor and Berlin.
Pocas primeras obras han dado pie a tanta literatura como el Museo Judío de Daniel Libeskind en Berlín. Esta propuesta que amplía el Museo Municipal entreteje una telaraña entre la historia y la realidad física de la ciudad, en la que Heinrich Heine,