(Toronto, 1929)
The project called Second Century Burbank, which celebrates the 200 years of Warner Bros., juxtaposes two different facade styles. The elevations facing the 134 Freeway seek to attract the attention of drivers with its curtain walls built with angled
Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), Frank Gehry Partners, Perkins & Will, Quinn Evans, and DLR Group have been selected as finalists from a pool of 80 teams that have taken part in a competition to build the future National Museum of the United States Nav
Like an enormous anonymous garage, Facebooks new campus conceals its exact polish with the easygoing, almost slapdash air that characterizes the company.
With its steel sheets and its bright colors, the huge origami-like roof of this museum devoted to biodiversity strikes a contrast with the vertical silhouette of Panama City.
The building’s 3,600-strong panels of hardened and stratified glass are supported by a highly complex triangulated structure of steel and wood that has been calculated digitally.
Inspirado en las curvas de la escultura barroca, este rascacielos neoyorquino aúna su rigurosa estructura de hormigón armado con su expresiva piel de placas de acero inoxidable.
Como un torbellino vítreo, en un lugar destacado del campus, el edificio que aloja el departamento de recursos humanos de la farmacéutica simboliza su espíritu innovador.
El programa del museo se organiza en tres anillos. En el interior se distribuyen los espacios expositivos convencionales, mientras que hacia el exterior las salas van aumentando de tamaño hasta adquirir las características de un taller. Las cubiertas
Julie V. Iovine The opening of the InterActiveCorp headquarters in New York is primarily being hailed as Frank Gehry’s first building in the city, but it is so much more. Sited on the Far West Side in Chelsea, the ten-story billowing glass structure,
The guggenheim of Bilbao served as a catalyst to invigorate the ria of the Nervióand to position the capital of Vizcaya in the cultural map of Europe. And now, only 125 kilometers from the museum, another explosion of steel and titanium opens up a ne
En el corazón de un enorme complejo dedicado al vino, emerge un singular edificio que alojará la sede de la compañía, un hotel, un espacio expositivo y un restaurante. Sobre prismas apilados revestidos de piedra, surgen marquesinas, de acero inoxidab
En 1997, el empresario Ray Stata, antiguo alumno del Massachusetts Institute of Technology, anunció una importante donación a la institución, a la que se sumaron más tarde las de otros importantes mecenas, como Bill Gates y Alexander Dreyfoos. Se ini
Hace 17 años, la viuda de Walt Disney anunció la donación de cincuenta millones de dólares al Music Center del condado de Los Ángeles para la construcción de un auditorio en memoria de su difunto marido. Al afán de homenaje de la señora Disney se aña
La cafetería se ha realizado por encargo del grupo editorial que publica Vogue, Vanity Fair, o The New Yorker, y ocupa la cuarta planta de la torre situada en el número 4 de Times Square, sede de dicha editorial. El espacio destinado a la cafetería e
La Aguja Espacial es una torre levantada con motivo de la Feria Mundial celebrada en Seattle en 1962 que todavía posee un considerable tirón turístico. Entre ésta y el Centro de Ciencia, y atravesado por el tren monorraíl que unía los terrenos de la
Francesco Dal Co Berlin played host to a gigantic monster, born of the history of Europe. It took form in 1961 and survived for twenty-eight years. Then, with apparent haste, it was gone. Every moment of its demise was recorded and broadcast live. Th
Bilbao bet on the winning horse of brand-name image and architecture in order to provide the city with a new identity. And the metallic flower that grew from the banks of the Nervión fulfilled more than its expectations, converting itself into an exc
The presence of sculpture in Frank Gehry's architecture goes back a long way. Not only are his working models authentic living models that evolve during the design process, but the collaboration with artists has been evident in many of his works and
There is a certain parallel between this Disneyland - born in California and traveling further and further east to conquer Europe - and the Los Angeles-based architect who has just completed two important cultural embassies in Paris: the North Americ
In December 1988, Frank Gehry won in a restricted competition, against the more monumental projects of Bohm, Stirling and Hollein, the project to provide Los Angeles with a suitable concert hall. The architect thus consecrates his ties with his homel
In addition to the design museum, located on the outskirts of Basel but on German territory, Frank Gehry is going to build a new administration building for the same firm on the site of the Vitra factory in the city itself. The tone of the project co
The new headquarters of the North American Center of Paris will be built in Bercy, east of the French capital. A glance at the successive models (which start with raw wood and end in a disturbing golan-like décor), a review of plans and sections, and
Chiat / Day is an advertising company that has produced some of the best known television commercials. The fluid collaboration with Gehry has allowed the architect to realize some of his experiments in collaboration with artists Claes Oldenburg and C
The Spreeinsel, or 'Spree Island', became the representative seat of power of the German Empire on its southern side, and throughout the 19th century its northern end was transformed into a privileged cultural site: the Altes Museum by Karl Friedrich
Imagine that Renzo Piano is a cell. The nucleus of his DNA would be an image of the shipyards of the city of Genoa; if the cell were Norman Foster, the helix would be the sequence of a science fiction cartoon strip; and if the cell were the duo Jacqu
Architects who become popular for making iconic monuments make big bucks off their skills. A combination of three disciples of engineering, environmental science, and art, Architecture is an influential career. As the countries continue to grow and h
The jagged towers and palm-fringed walkways of the proposed Guggenheim Abu Dhabi (GAD) take their inspiration from the wooden sailing dhows that ply the waters of the Gulf and the funnel-shaped wind towers, known as barjeel, built to bring natural ve
The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) has announced that the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi is on track for 2025 completion. Set to be part of a thriving community of cultural institutions in Abu Dhabi, Guggenheim Abu Dhabi is the l
Heretofore Arles was known for its Roman amphitheater, the same one that Aldo Rossi mentioned as an example of urban permanence. Henceforth – and as a symbol of there really being nothing permanent – the historical and rather depressed city of Arles
In 1997, Frank Gehry opened with his Guggenheim of Bilbao a new chapter of the history of architecture and city-building: the irruption of spectacular buildings designed by star architects to harbor private institutions, with which municipal councils
Louis Vuitton has presented its latest line of scents, five by the perfumer Jacques Cavallier, with bottles created by Frank Gehry. For the luxury fashion house the architect previously designed a series of bags and the building for the Louis Vuitton
Memory speaks in these ten interviews with masters. I borrow from Vladimir Nabokov’s autobiography the title for the presentation of these conversations, transcribed as monologues to place the focus on the protagonists, whose voices I hope to have re
Enlisting the creativity of Frank Gehry, the Philadelphia Museum of Art has completed a $233m renovation and reorganisation of the lower interior spaces at the heart of its landmarked 1928 Beaux-Arts building. The latest phase of a master plan for im
The Pritzker-winning architect is focusing on social justice projects — and can be something of a lightning rod — but he also has lighthearted pursuits. It was midafternoon on a Monday and the Pritzker Prize-winning architect Frank Gehry — despite
The architect Frank Gehry will unveil his latest blockbuster building—a soaring twisting geometric tower covered with 11,000 stainless steel panels—at Luma Arles this summer, the 27-acre cultural campus in the southern French town of Arles spearheade
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
Para el ruso Melnikov, su vivienda se convirtió en su cárcel. Philip Johnson exhibió su día a día en la Glass House y Le Corbusier eligió para él la cabaña más pequeña que jamás había diseñado. El edificio de viviendas sociales de El Ruedo (Madrid, 1
A series of stepped glass volumes form the roof of Louis Vuitton’s new flagship store in Seoul, designed by Frank Gehry as a miniature take on his Fondation Louis Vuitton. According to the architect, the stacked design is inspired by both the Paris m
Gehry Partners has unveiled renderings for a new 800,000-square-foot office complex slated for the Warner Bros. studio campus in Burbank, California. In a press release announcing the project, Gehry said, “Once upon a time, Hollywood Studios had an i
The house Frank Gehry created for himself and his wife, Berta, in 1978 on a highly visible street corner in Santa Monica, and which he renovated and updated again in the early 1990s, helped make his reputation as one of the most potent creative force
In 2011, Chinese authorities detained the artist Ai Weiwei at a Beijing airport, seizing his passport, laptops and hard drives from his studio and imprisoning him for 81 days without formal charges. The allegation was “economic crimes,” but many saw
You wait decades for a city to get a world-class concert hall and two come along at once. Last month plans were revealed for the Centre for Music in the City of London by the New York architects Diller Scofidio Renfro. But there is now another projec
The selfish giant of Oscar Wilde’s popular short story closed his garden to the children, and with them the spring went away. The technological titans of our days control ever more exclusive domains, but their reckless behavior can bring winter to th
The Guggenheim of Bilbao, now 20 years old, is perhaps the most influential building of the latest two decades, not so much because it is Frank Gehry’s greatest work but because it represents a way of transforming and activating the image of cities t
Prejudice associates Frank O. Gehry with bulbous shapes and buildings that do not hide their iconic natures, but actually flaunt them. However, it must not be forgotten that Gehry’s career began with a series of Californian collage houses whose pover
Víctor Navarro
Bilbao 2022
Caniche - 96 Pages
Luis Fernández-Galiano Textos y dibujos
Paul Goldberger The Life and Work of Frank Gehry
Aurélien Lemonier Frédéric Migayrou
Paris 2014
Centre Pompidou - 256 Pages
Nancy E. Joyce The Design and Construction of Frank o. Gehrys Stata Center at MIT
Hal Foster
Nueva York 2002
Verso - 176 Pages
Peter Gössel Gabriele Leithäuser
Colonia 2001
Taschen - 448 Pages
Bilbao 2001
Museo Guggenheim Bilbao - 391 Pages
Dennis P. Doordan
Londres 2001
Laurence King - 304 Pages
Pedro Azara Carles Guri
Barcelona 2000
Gustavo Gili - 144 Pages
Anatxu Zabalbeascoa
Barcelona 1998
Gustavo Gili - 223 Pages
Francesco Dal Co Kurt W. Forster tutte le opere