American Center in Paris
Frank Gehry 

American Center in Paris

Frank Gehry 

The new headquarters of the North American Center of Paris will be built in Bercy, east of the French capital. A glance at the successive models (which start with raw wood and end in a disturbing golan-like décor), a review of plans and sections, and a glance at the drawings give us a glimpse of Frank Gehry's problems and attitudes towards this commission, conceived as an export of American architecture to the Old Continent.

It is a compact urban building, dedicated to the mix of uses characteristic of a cultural center, to be packed into a block of Paris-Bercy. There is a certain fragmentation in two main volumes, linked by a low body, but the will of formal modeling is not based on the different uses or functions, but rather on a random treatment of the surfaces and peripheral elements: canopies, skylights and signs...[+]

Cliente Client
American Center / Henry Pillsbury, Judith Pisar, Daniel Janicot

Equipo de diseño Design team
Frank Gehry; Robert Hale; Greg Walsh, Edwin Chan, Tom Hoos, Marc Salette

Saubot & Jullien, París (arquitectos asociados associated architects): Roger Saubot, Jean Rouit (dirección de obra work management), Philippe Cieren