New Headquarters for Vitra in Basilea
Frank Gehry 

New Headquarters for Vitra in Basilea

Frank Gehry 

In addition to the design museum, located on the outskirts of Basel but on German territory, Frank Gehry is going to build a new administration building for the same firm on the site of the Vitra factory in the city itself.

The tone of the project continues that of the museum, but unlike the museum - which contains a large and almost unique space - these offices are divided into floors. Also as in the museum, the irregular volume is added to the large rectangular halls. Now, however, the part of the pavilion that undergoes a strong modeling bulges almost as much as the neutral part. Not in surface area, but in image. A gigantic canopy covers both parts, whose interaction is realized by means of walkways and glazed vestibules...[+]

Vitra International (Rolf Fehlbaum)

Equipo de diseñoDesign team
Frank Gehry; Robert Hale; Peter Locke; Vincent Snyder; con Eva Sobesky, Richard Rosa, David Stein, Liza Hansen, C.J. Bonura, Andrew Alper