The new logistical center of Mayoral, a children’s clothing brand, rises on its corporate campus, on the site of the old company Interhorce (Industrial Textiles del Guadalhorce) in the city of Málaga, beside the listed building by Ramón Vázquez Molez
One hundred years after the arrival of the railroad to Santiago de Compostela, the trench occupied by the extramural rails continues to be an almost insurmountable barrier between the historic center and the neighborhoods that emerged along the roads
The renovation of this dwelling in Miraflores, a small locality in Muros (A Coruña), was first and foremost based on utmost respect for the place. This necessitated paying close attention to realities like the scale of the house’s surroundings, to pr
The position of the three longitudinal pieces, arranged along the harbor, creates a link between the new museum-lookout and the water. The superposition of the volumes and the configuration of the facade of zinc slats suggest movement and dynamism.
The conventional concept of home for the elderly is replaced here by that of a village protected from the harsh landscape of Castile by a wall of concrete blocks.
The castle of Santa Cruz is a modest building which is part of a series of small forts, watchtowers, and fachos that were erected in the 17th and 18th centuries along the banks of the river Miño as border strongholds. Santa Cruz does not stand out in
The intervention involved consolidating the old stone walls and erecting a pavilion. This new element serves to connect all the preexisting parts and is given a skin of zinc characterized by a special matte finish.
Laid out around a central atrium, the inner volume of the building is clad with a skin of rhomboidal plates of painted zinc whose joints allow for dilations caused by temperature changes.
Flanked by two bands of services, the central inner bay connects the city to the riverbank, and appears as a large sinuous volume characterized by the metallic materiality of cross-seam zinc panels.
An 18th-century building, compact and traditional, combined with an industrialized light porch, forms a dwelling that opens up to its beautiful natural surroundings.
THE HOUSE of the Xuklis is a residence for the relatives of children diagnosed with cancer and under treatment in Barcelona hospitals. The project, an initiative of AFANOC (association of relatives and friends of children undergoing oncological trea
The public space as active environment needs to be reinvented all the time: planning this process from premises that place heritage before landscape is compatible with others that make entertainment or environmental aspects prevail. In this way, the
Located in Barcelona’s Maresme region, the library was drawn up in life of Enric Miralles and its construction began a decade ago; since then the project has gradually evolved until is recent completion. The proposal started out as a single large roo
The projects of extension and refurbishment are surgical operations determined by the need to create or design material or conceptual links with the existing building. Two enlargements carried out in the old region of the Beira Alta, which currently
On the outskirts of Porto, on the banks of the Duero River, the absence of urban planning with the subsequent proliferation of disorderly constructions has left a chaotic context of scarce aesthetic value. However, the beauty of the river, the farawa
A couple bought one of the very few plots with views of the sea that remained unbuilt in the Bay of Biscay. After scouting every sea village from Plentzia to San Vicente de la Barquera for almost a year, they found the place they where looking for in
The urban space in which the new health center was to be built was still changing at the time its design was undertaken. While some of the adjoining plots had constructions that were to be demolished and others whose height would foreseeably increase
The campus of Montepríncipe is the most recent of the three that the private university San Pablo CEU has built in Madrid. Located in the town of Boadilla del Monte, to the west of the capital, it specializes in science studies. The polytechnic unive
La casa se sitúa sobre una gran parcela que forma parte del palmeral de Elche, un paisaje único, protegido por su valor ambiental, que combina huertas, palmeras y edificios. Dado el suave clima de la zona, los espacios y recorridos exteriores dominan
Alrededor del concéntrico y bien conservado casco histórico de Vitoria —una de las ciudades con más alto nivel de vida del país— han surgido urbanizaciones de lujo que aprovechan la ventaja del emplazamiento en pleno campo a muy corta distancia de la
El más albañil de los colores, el blanco de los muros andaluces de Rafael Alberti y las paredes de adobe encalado de algunos caseríos del valle central de Chile han inspirado este conjunto que se levanta a lo largo del río Mapocho. Se trata de un pro
Una primera discusión de este proyecto residencial en el marco del plan general diseñado por Jo Coenen condujo a sugerir la fragmentación de lo que era una estructura lineal continua. De la aceptación de esa propuesta resultó la partición del proyect
In the dense and indifferent fabric of the center of Tokyo the price of land is so high that building costs are not as significant in comparison. This situation has a clear influence on the built landscape, which changes at a speed that would be unth
The use of thin sheets of malleable metals to solve the problem of waterproofing roofs is a deep-rooted, centuries-old practice in western construction, especially in countries of plenty of rain. Because they are so easy to bend and fold, building tr
En 2002 cayó, víctima de aluminosis, el teatro Atlántida de Vic; ocho años después, Josep Llinás, Josep Llobet, Pedro Ayesta y Laia Vives han terminado el nuevo conjunto que lo sustituye, bautizado como Centro de Artes Escénicas de Osona, la comarca