The environs of a dismantled tobacco factory have been reconditioned as a green expanse of land that serves as much to accumulate rainwater during the typhoon season as to curb flooding. The pattern of paths and resting spots is based on traditional
A composition of six concatenated swamps form a recreational space that also functions as a natural cleanser of the waters of an urban stream before they flow into a large lake. In what until recently was a field of single crop farming, the water cur
A comprehensive plan has cut short the city’s alienation from its river course, formerly a polluted and unsafe environment where other attempts to fix it had failed for lack of an all-round view. At a comfortable distance from the river’s course, a s
The Spanish firm Práctica – Jaime Daroca, José Mayoral, José Ramón Sierra – was commissioned to regenerate 15 kilometers of the banks of the Sommer River that lie within the Rumanian municipality of Cluj-Napoca. An outcome of a 2017 competition, the
This kilometer-long museum in Rizhao, a city in China’s Shandong province, rises on an artificial lake with openings to let water in, flooding the floor. The 20,000-square-meter construction presents a dynamic of varying widths and heights. The obje
The left bank of Lake Zurich is characterized by a series of individual spatial compartments. The location of the water police at Mythenquai lies precisely on the perimeter of two such compartments: the promontory occupied by the Zurich Rowing Club a
The château La Coste Winery is located 15 kilometers north of the old town area of Aix-en-Provence in southern France. The project included the restructuring of the complex to transform it into a garden museum dotted with outdoor sculptures and pavil
This is an expansion project for the Clark Art Institute, founded in 1955 by Sterling and Francine Clark. The prominent American art research institute is known for its collection of 19th century impressionist painting. The 57 hectares of hilly prope
The site is located in a quiet residential district close to the center of Chicago. Along this long, narrow north-south oriented site, the objective was to produce a comfortable and private residential space while developing an interaction with the n
The temple of Water, the main one of Ninnaji Shingon, the oldest branch of tantric Buddhism in Japan, rests on a hill with views over Osaka Bay. The project proposes a sensory experience, a shift from the ordinary world to the sacred space. The appro
island of Hokkaido, in northern Japan. On a plain surrounded by mountain ranges and a dense forest of beech trees and shrubs, the building comprises two superposed cubes, a rectangular artificial lake, and a long L-shaped wall enclosing the complex.
A basin of water and a membrane of stretched textile in a powerful metal framework manage to create an atmosphere that draws attention to the Amazon jungle’s water resources.
A cyclopean canopy structure serves as a collector of the dry climate’s scant rainfall, and at the same time as a contraption for the trapping and harnessing of solar radiation.
“The flow of the river is ceaseless; and its water is never the same.” So begins Hōjōki, or ‘An Account of My Hut,’ the poetic diary written by Kamo no Chōmei in 1212 which is a high moment of Japan’s classical literature. These beautiful words on ra
In Chile’s Los Ríos Region, along the shore of what is one of the South American country’s largest lakes, stands this vacation home designed for a big family. Its construction system – composed of a frame of timber beams and pillars on props – is rem
Based on the geometry of a torus, the gridshell, supported by 14 tree-like columns, stems from an edge-beam that surrounds the whole airport starting at the fifth floor, marking the transition of the cladding, which goes from aluminum panels to glass
The restaurant is situated behind the library by the same architects, very close to the sea. We initiated the design process by investigating how best to create a coexisting relationship with the massive and solid library volume. The idea was that, i
The image that inspires the project is that of an old boat adrift in the ocean for years. With time, the ocean recedes and leaves an empty structure behind, still lying on the beach. Starting from this poetic image, the project focuses on both the in
Water – its different states, the reflections of light and shadows on its surface, and the humid atmosphere it creates – is the guiding thread of this proposal that doesn’t intend to create just one object, but an experience in the form of landscape,
Situado a tres horas de Pekín y abierto hacia el mar, el edificio completa el equipamiento cultural de un conjunto de vacaciones cuyo objetivo es recuperar los lazos con la naturaleza.
In 1957, when he was 38 years old, Utzon won the competition to build the Sydney Opera House at Bennelong Point, a small cape located at the center of the Bay, between the interior port and the coast. It was a moment of change in Australia, an optimi
Oliver Wainwright Hovering above the sandy shores of Saadiyat Island like an upturned colander washed up on the beach, the metal-domed roof of the Louvre Abu Dhabi doesn't give much away from the outside. A cluster of white blocks spreads out from be
Home to the Boca del Río Philharmonic Orchestra, the Foro Boca building is part of a masterplan to revitalize the deteriorated area around the river mouth that gives the city its name. The form of the bold volumes of poured-on-site concrte that make
The relationship between cities and their rivers has been tense and conflictive since time inmemorial. Rivers – access to fresh water to drink or to irrigate the fields with – are the primary raison d’être of human settlements. But while an essential
We call it Earth, but we could have named it Water. More than two thirds of our planet is covered by oceans, which interact with the earth’s biosphere and the atmosphere to influence climate and intervene in the carbon cycle. The widespread use of fo
Maybe the lethargy that has taken over our bodies after so much submission to the dictates of the mobile phone has led to the fashion of the even-harder, in a search for radical experiences brought to extremes. This would perhaps explain construction
Water dilutes the certitudes of architecture. Its liquid state erodes physical foundations and disintegrates the discipline’s conceptual base. Marx warned that under capitalism ‘all that is solid melts into air,’ and Marshall Berman picked up the bat
Although climate-change-denier recently assumed power in the USA, all knowledgeable sources agree that the planet has entered a new geological phase, defined by Paul Crutzen as the ‘Anthropocene.’ After two centuries of intense human-produced gases r
After ten years of work, the most complex and ambitious project up to date by Damien Hirst (Bristol, 1965) will be on view, until mid-December this year, at the two Venetian venues of the Pinault Collection: Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana. Asi
La arquitectura contribuye a crear los vínculos interpersonales que nos instalan en tejidos colectivos. El análisis de tres casos diferentes de arquitectura acuática, representativos de paradigmas de hoy, permite detectar el papel de mediación y rend
Hubo un tiempo de baños públicos en la ciudad y de balnearios en el campo. Agua caliente compartida higiénicamente en la ciudad moderna de 1900 y baños terapéuticos para la sociedad burguesa de la Belle Époque... [+]
Los orígenes son previos a la historia, pero sabemos de ellos a través de los mitos. Venimos del agua, en ella nacimos como seres vivos y en ella nos gestamos hasta el nacimiento. La vida procede del agua, y la salud, la eterna juventud, se guarda en
If yesteryear bathing meant health and cleanliness, today it means pleasure. The historian of technique Sigfried Giedion described the historical evolution of the bath between the two poles of rejuvenation and hygiene: either as a means to regenerate
El lema de esta Expo es ‘Agua y desarrollo sostenible.’ Pero Roque Gistau, que preside Expoagua, la sociedad estatal organizadora, ya daba pistas y matizaba el motto cuando declaraba en marzo al diario ABC que «el cambio climático no hay que combatir
“The day we won the Expo bid was a Wednesday or a Thursday in December, a working day in winter. The city became a hotbed of happy people. It was like the day Zaragoza won the Recopa football league with a goal of Nayim’s. Then came the day-to-day pr
En la imaginería de nuestra cultura el agua se asocia a la idea de paraíso y evoca escenarios placenteros y fértiles; también la serenidad en su estadio más radical y perdurable. No podía ser de otro modo, porque el agua es un elemento esencial, no s
An expo is an expo is an expo is an expo. It cannot be judged like conventional construction; its success or failure lie elsewhere. To begin with, an expo is an urban project that transforms a city with exceptional investments justified by the event;
Zaragoza es una milenaria ciudad del sur que desde hace unos cuarenta años pugna por atravesar el río Ebro y establecerse también al norte. Esta lucha, en contra de su condición geográfica y fundacional, ha tenido esos años intensidades distintas, ac
Toyo Ito ha sido siempre un arquitecto inclasificable, alejado de las veleidades de la moda y ajeno a los criterios comerciales. Desde la histórica casa White U a la Mediateca de Sendai, sus arquitecturas son siempre sensuales, sinuosas, fluidas, lig