Papaloapan River Linear Park, Tuxtepec (Mexico)
Entorno y Contexto- Type Park Landscape architecture / Urban planning
- City Tuxtepec
- Country Mexico
- Photographer Andrés Cedillo
A comprehensive plan has cut short the city’s alienation from its river course, formerly a polluted and unsafe environment where other attempts to fix it had failed for lack of an all-round view.
At a comfortable distance from the river’s course, a series of programs grounded on an exhaustive analysis of needs dots the green routes as open-air courts, covered shelters, and light structures on stilts...[+]
Parque lineal del río Papaloapan, Tuxtepec (México)
Papaloapan River Linear Park, Tuxtepec (Mexico)
Cliente Client
Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano
Arquitectos Architects
Entorno y Contexto / Alejandro Polo Lamadrid (socio partner); Édgar Marmolejo (jefe de proyecto project manager); Alejandra Guzmán, Hesner Sánchez, Tania Hernández, Erik Urbina, Susana Marín (equipo team)
Consultores Consultants
virens A+P (paisajismo landscape); Miyamoto México (estructura structure); Zenon Instalaciones (instalaciones MEP services)
Contratista Contractor
Karisma Ingeniería
Superficie Area
28.220 m²; 7.000 m² (espacios a cubierto covered spaces)
Fotos Photos
Andrés Cedillo / ESPACIOS