Johannisberg Wetland Park, Västerås (Sweden)
Topia landskapsarkitekter 

Johannisberg Wetland Park, Västerås (Sweden)

Topia landskapsarkitekter 

A composition of six concatenated swamps form a recreational space that also functions as a natural cleanser of the waters of an urban stream before they flow into a large lake.

In what until recently was a field of single crop farming, the water current boosts spontaneous growth of plants and arrival of animals, enriching the biodiversity that can be enjoyed from bridges and picnic spots...[+]

Humedal de Johannisberg, Västerås (Suecia)
Johannisberg Wetland Park, Västerås (Sweden)

Cliente Client
Västerås stad, Mälarenergi

Arquitectos Architects
Topia landskapsarkitekter / Håkan Johnsson, Jenny Elgstrand, Kristoffer Backman (equipo team)

Consultores Consultants
Norconsult (ingeniería engineering)

Presupuesto Budget
2.605.000 €

Superficie Area
145.000 m²

Fotos Photos
Thomas Zaar; Kristoffer Backman