Altissima Stone, a firm specializing in natural stone and belonging to Porcelanosa Group, presents its new ‘Endless’ catalogue, of slabs of natural stone extracted from quarries in different parts of the world, available in a wide range of
The firm Cosentino has launched the Taj Mahal series, a Brazilian quartzite surface showing brownish veins on a soft, ivory-toned backdrop, and protected against stain through the innovative Sensa treatment.
The final prototypes have been approved to begin the prefabrication of the 660 pieces that will form the future gallery. Each concrete element, made of white cement, sand, and aggregates from the Loire basin, will be cast and polished. The project ca
On the banks of the Scheldt River, west of Antwerp’s old town, the new district called Nieuw Zuid is taking shape, and within it Max Dudler, in collaboration with the firm Jaspers Eyers Architects, has completed the Scheldehof complex. With a built a
The Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram in Dharampur, in the Indian state of Gujarat, is a complex devoted to the teachings of the Jainist philosopher and spiritual leader Shrimad Rajchandra (1867-1901), based on non-violence and ascetissm. The building compl
In the small Tibetan village of Quzkika, in Markam County, this enological complex with a gross built area of 8,334 square meters is embedded into terraces. At the foot of Dameiyong Snow Mountain, near Lancang River, the winery blends into the natura
Liknon is a new space dedicated to Metaxa, a Greek liquor made since 1888 in the distillery founded by Spyros Metaxas. The center is located in a 100-year-old vineyard on the island of Samos. The Muscat grapevines spread beneath the town of Vourliote
The Shi House sits on the slope of a ravine and the final part of its slab floats lightly over it, held up by earth-covered pilings. It is composed of a vertical stone element harboring the stairs and some horizontal circulation elements; and a white
Located at the highest point of an agricultural property given over to the growing of olive and almond trees, near the Monastery of Santes Creus in Tarragona province’s comarca of Alt Camp, a small stone shelter is part of an ensemble of isolated roo
The Mumbai-based firm founded in 1992 by Sanjay and Nina Puri has built this spiral-shaped community center, crowned with a green roof, that gives views of the surrounding desert in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Located in Moolwas, it was designed t
The Coimbra practice of João Branco and Paula del Rio was commissioned to reconfigure the tourist office and Praça Cónego Manuel Fernandes Nogueira, the only flat open space in Piódão, creating a unified image of them. The schist houses of this villa
Taking the slogan ‘good, nice, and affordable’ as motto, the house adapts to the steep slope – with 10 meters of difference in level –, perched as it is on the terrain in a staggered manner. The local masonry walls further integrate the volume into
The starting point of the refurbishment project was to remove the elements added in previous interventions that distorted the original character of the house, in order to improve and update the existing spaces according to current demands. The new el
A small ceremonial space nestles under a pronounced pitched roof that rises high over the walls of the graveyard but engages in dialogue with their materiality. The spaces create a contemplative mood through the carefully choreographed entrance of li
The station has been renovated several times on the basis of the same element: the vault. The new design respects this geometry and is inspired by the city’s yellow brick facades to rebuild a large double-height hall in the three-story building…
The facade is formed by small windows interrupted by larger openings that frame the most important sites of Karlskrona. The mosaic facade relates to the multiple architectural styles in the city and showcases the evolution of its naval past…
Portugal was born in Guimarães. At least that is what the – modern – inscription on one of its walls says, in allusion to the fact that the first independent Portuguese king, Afonso Henriques, established his court in this town, after defeating the a
A work of the Asturian firm sukunfuku Studio – Miguel Huelga and Iria de la Peña – this museum stands on the slope of Mount Castillo, surrounded by the winding road that leads to the caves it harbors. Inserted into a complex topography, the C-shaped
Within the GYAAN Center, designed by the New York architect Diana Kellogg, stands this school built with local sandstone that welcomes more than 400 girls from families living below the poverty line, in a region where female literacy barely reaches 3
From its original location, the University of Limerick has expanded over the years and is now situated on both sides of the River Shannon, the longest and largest in Ireland. The University’s expansion provided the location for the new Medical School
The site for the new house for the President of the Limerick University in the west of Ireland was chosen to be on lands across the river Shannon. Using traditional techniques, the house sits alone in the landscape establishing a relationship with th
Capital City. Symbolically the most important urban space in Dublin, it was widened in the 18th century and rebuilt after the destruction caused in the uprising of 1916 and the Civil War of 1922. O’Connell Street as a whole has existed in a constant
The Commissioners of Public Works developed this new building to house the Department of Finance. It is the first new Government Department Building completed in Dublin since 1939. The project incorporated a link into the adjacent Government Building
The 20-meter-high building is subdivided into horizontal layers that respond to the stacked spatial program. Functionally, the building is structured in three main areas: the stacked ice rinks, the high diving and competition pools, and the leisure a
Part of the second section of the Chapultepec Forest in Mexico City, this environmental-culture center presents a pavilion surrounded by gardens that reference the diverse ecosystems and natural landscapes of the Cuenca del Valle de México: temperate
The Transspecies Kitchen experiment transforms pieces of marble discarded as waste during stone extraction into a sustainable kitchen that relies on fermentation as the primary method of preparing food. This harnesses the ecological energy produced b
With its 130 million inhabitants, Mexico is the tenth most populated nation in the world, and among Spanish-speaking countries the one with most demographic weight. Add to this its strategic position, its important economy, and its powerful culture,
A sensitive interpretation of the genius loci: this is how one could describe the social housing developent that the studio Oliver, Reina, Martín, Moyà & Garcías has executed in Son Gotleu, one of the poorest, most vulnnerable among the neighborhoods
Stone is associated with the origins of architecture. As the world’s dolmens and pyramids show, it enabled the earliest human civilizations to make true their desire to endure, and so from the very beginning stone was thought of in relation to buildi
The use of stone as a building material is being reconsidered completely. Many are the buildings that resort to it, for purposes other than cladding. Moreover, ongoing studies point to a future where stone plays a larger role. The Modern Movement pra
Construction with stone, thanks to its thermal properties and its being easy to reuse, is a solid alternative for building architecture of a sustainable nature, as long as it is used close to where it is extracted.
Like the dramatic landscapes of the Canary Islands, Fernando Menis’s buildings – many a long time in gestation from commission to final completion – seem to have been conceived in an eruption of creative energy and then honed over time by forces that
What’s worth more, a kilogram of stone or a kilogram of gold? With this question Adolf Loos began his famous text about building materials. The answer is simple. If the kilo of stone belongs to the Pantheon in Rome, Michelangelo’s Pietà, the Venus de
In the 13th edition of the International Award Architecture in Stone granted by Marmomacc (Veronafiere), the five following works have merited prizes: Druk White Lotus School by Arup Associates in Ladakh (India); the Stone House by Carl Fredrik Svens
Designed by the Boston studio Machado & Silvetti, the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life is a complex in the New York University campus, harboring its numerous religious associations. Not being linked to a specific creed, the symbolic
La ampliación de una vieja y pesada estructura muraria con un porche nuevo y ligero emplazado donde una vez hubo un cobertizo para el ganado, ha sido la clave del proyecto de rehabilitación de una masía situada en la localidad gerundense de Santa Pau
Situado en el surafricano Parque Nacional de Mapungubwe, el Centro de Interpretación proyectado por el arquitecto de Johanesburgo Peter Rich está inspirado en la arquitectura vernácula, en el paisaje y en la riqueza arqueológica del lugar. El edifici
Más de veinte clases de ladrillos y tejas recuperados de demoliciones cercanas conforman los muros del Museo de la Historia en la ciudad china de Ningbo, situada al sur del país. Se trata de un modo tradicional de construcción que los arquitectos Wan
Una vieja adivinanza dice: ¿qué pesa más, un kilo de plomo o un kilo de paja? Un listillo afirmaría que por supuesto pesan igual, mientras que un físico demostraría que un kilo de plomo pesa más en una báscula, debido al empuje contrario a la graveda
Over the last twenty years we have become accustomed to radical changes in architecture that have forged the way to new interpretations of materials, often attributing them with a determinant role in the achievement of a design. This has resulted in
Stone and modernity have gone through a rough marriage. In 1956, Alejandro de la Sota won the competition for the Civil Government Building of Tarragona, a city whose urban code, perhaps in tune to its Roman remains, required a stone finish on facade
Quisiera que considerásemos la piedra como un material que, al igual que otros, logra la belleza en el desarrollo de su actividad constructiva, entre el concepto y las reglas del arte. Pensar en piedra. Formular un pensamiento con la claridad y la pr
Stone represents construction at the limit: at the limit of time, because its tenacious inertia speaks at once of its remote origin and its desire to last, inasmuch as its firm resistance is a symbol of timeless solidity; at the limit of technique, b
Los aplacados de piedra en fachada sufrieron hace tres décadas una radical transformación. En nuestro país se dieron dos condiciones que incidieron sobre los revestimientos pétreos tradicionales e impulsaron esa revolución. Por una parte, el agotamie
El nuevo Berlín será de piedra. Devastada durante la II Guerra Mundial y dividida por la guerra fría hasta la caída del muro en noviembre de 1989, la ciudad del Spree —recuperada la capitalidad alemana— repara su dañado tejido urbano con 250 grandes
Dobles y encontrados sentimientos, los que provienen de la necesidad de mantener una imborrable memoria y del deseo de alcanzar un balsámico olvido, parecen darse cita en la convocatoria para el Concurso cuando en ella se nos describe cuál ha de ser