Stone:Ingenuity and Tecnique
Tradition and New Applications of Stone

What’s worth more, a kilogram of stone or a kilogram of gold? With this question Adolf Loos began his famous text about building materials. The answer is simple. If the kilo of stone belongs to the Pantheon in Rome, Michelangelo’s Pietà, the Venus de Milo, or the cathedral of Seville, it is worth more than the kilo of gold.
Being free, man can overstep the bounds of the material that gives shape to his idea, and endow it with incalculable value. This reflection goes for any material, but it’s stone, used for thousands of years, that has the greatest quantity of kilos of material transgression. Over several millennia, with stone the material par excellence, each civilization developed a language of stone, adapted to its culture, its ingenuity, and the technical advances it made. Proof of this is the huge legacy of beauty and variety in which stone has given form to the most important milestones of architectural memory, from pyramids to Gothic cathedrals through buildings of our classical past...