The viewing point of Farrapona or of the valley of Saliencia, in the Somiedo Natural Park, is part of a series of projects seeking to give importance to the ethnographic elements and the landscaping and geological points of interest of the zone. The
Located in the heart of San Javier, the 31,949-square-meter Almansa Park is the result of an idea competition organized with the Murcia Institute of Architects (COAMU). The project carried out by Emac Arquitectura – Miguel Martínez Castillejo and Pau
The Warsaw we know today looks like, but is not, the one that Bernardo Bellotto portrayed almost three centuries ago. That city which the vedute painter immortalized is heaped up on the outskirts, where the debris to which the Polish capital’s histor
The environs of a dismantled tobacco factory have been reconditioned as a green expanse of land that serves as much to accumulate rainwater during the typhoon season as to curb flooding. The pattern of paths and resting spots is based on traditional
A composition of six concatenated swamps form a recreational space that also functions as a natural cleanser of the waters of an urban stream before they flow into a large lake. In what until recently was a field of single crop farming, the water cur
A comprehensive plan has cut short the city’s alienation from its river course, formerly a polluted and unsafe environment where other attempts to fix it had failed for lack of an all-round view. At a comfortable distance from the river’s course, a s
Form, color, and movement are the most obvious of many outstanding aspects in the art of Alexander Calder, maxims that are most visible in his kinetic sculptures. But when beginning to conceive an architecture for the presentation of his work, the pr
The city of Sion is planning for future growth by transforming predominantly industrial lands south of the historic center into a sustainable, mixed, and green ‘City of the 21st Century.’ The primary focus is the Ronquoz district, ideally located in
The city of Berlin is characterized by the overlapping of layers of its history, and the different periods are clearly legible in its built fabric, still marked by the scars of World War II, the postwar, and its division into two. Because of all that
Although Portugal is mainly a maritime country, its inland is traversed by mighty mountains, largely unknown of but whose beauty will not be unfamiliar to those who have read authors like Eça de Queirós or Miguel Torga. In one of those ranges, on a m
The lack of facilities and trees had turned Parco dei Salici into a run-down place in disuse. Communication with the neighbors’ association now in charge of its management was an essential part in the redevelopment of the space, where now all so
Though it is a pleasant green space, Parco XXII Aprile is in Crocetta, one of the most conflictive neighborhoods in Modena. This intervention aims to redefine small new spaces for leisure and for reunion that can gradually reactivate social life in t
The Danish architecture firm Cobe has been tasked to turn the historic Krulli steelworks into a mixed-use district – with housing and offices – in the Estonian capital. The masterplan is based on transforming, reusing (from materials and components t
The project takes up a portion of land adjacent to the Municipal Gallery building, in the heart of the center of Montijo, in the Portuguese district of Setúbal. A kind of hortus conclusus featuring two outdoor ‘rooms’ varying in altitude, the 80-squa
The firm Foster + Partners has developed a masterplan for Gaafaru, an inhabited island in the Maldives, in the Indian Ocean. The project puts forward six principles to ensure a sustainable and resilient future for the island of Kaafu Atoll. Gaafaru i
On the slope of Mount Pindo stands A casa das silvas, the oldest house in the Galician town of Panchés, the roof of which collapsed close to forty years ago. With the passage of time, a piece of mountain pierced through the walls, making it a home fo
Located on the left bank of the Zubitegi stream, in the south zone of the Basque municipality of Mallabia, this sports park is the result of transforming an area damaged by the operations of an old water-treatment plant. The outdoor facilities optimi
The previous square had major accessibility deficiencies and an excessive division of the spaces due to steep slopes, not to mention that the plaza turned its back on the Cathedral-University of Huelva, which is listed as an Asset of Cultural Interes
The basic idea is to create an urban park integrated with the naturalness of the beaches and the sea, with the purpose of promoting culture, well-being, and sport, through various functions and activities that aspire to extend the use of the park thr
Based on the traditional constructions on pilotis found in the area, a loadbearing timber structure in which five cubes of solid wood are inserted at different heights and positions offers views of the coastal promenade and the landscape. The numerou
The Ghent-based practice Studio Moto has completed this viewpoint on a beach in De Panne, alongside the promenade that connects the Belgian municipality to Dunkirk (France), beside the North Sea. The structure offers a dynamic stop along the beackwal
This is a 30-kilometer-long infrastracture that connects the towns of Huelva, Aljaraque, and Gibraleón, bringing them closer to the great environmental, scenic, botanical, zoological, and built wealth that encompasses the vast protected natural space
The capital of the island of Menorca, Mahón, boasts the Mediterranean’s largest natural harbor, a dynamic hub that day after day sees the coming and going of passengers and merchandise without ceasing to be a place of remarkable beauty. Antoni Barcel
The relationship between cities and their rivers has been tense and conflictive since time inmemorial. Rivers – access to fresh water to drink or to irrigate the fields with – are the primary raison d’être of human settlements. But while an essential
“You cannot change the world, but you can do small things that can change someone’s life.” This is one of Renzo Piano’s maxims, so when in 2013 he was appointed Senator for Life by the then Italian president Giorgio Napolitano, he did not hesitate t
The international jury, chaired by the architect, urban planner, and landscape designer Beth Galí, has given the 2024 European Prize for Urban Public Space, in the General Category, to ‘Park at the Warsaw Uprising Mound,’ a work of the firms topoScap
The French architect Dominique Perrault drew up the masterplan for the complex where the athletes competing in the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be billeted. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, north of the center of Paris, it provides 2,400 lodgi
Unlike texts penned from the plane of erudition, this book is testimony of wisdom acquired over decades of practical experience. Urban legend has it that in the late 1960s, Terán tried to publish maps and plans he had been collecting for years, but t
At his induction into the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in January, Miguel Aguiló gave a discourse titled ‘Caring for Earth, Recreating the World,’ in which he tackled heritage, the landscape, and the planet. Three spheres of civil engineering that expl
In northern Egypt sits a city that officials expect to one day house 6.5m people. For now, though, it is mostly empty—like the desert that came before it. Egypt’s “New Administrative Capital” is part of a rush of city-building. Firms and governments
La Cultural Landscape Foundation has bestowed the 2023 Cornelia Hahn Oberlander International Landscape Architecture Prize (Oberlander Prize), which comes with a US$100,000 award, to the Chinese architect Kongjian Yu, founder of the firm Turenscape.
Lumpen people wander the streets of the Quartiere Tuscolano; bicycles wheel from the borgate to the new working-class districts; a helicopter flies over the empty grounds of the Aqua Claudia transporting a Christ statue to St. Peter’s… Such scenes fr
“Our cities are ill.” From Mesopotamian settlements to the medieval city, and especially after the Industrial Revolution, urban cores have altered to accommodate demographic growth and adapt to social advances. But with the exacerbated neoliberal mod
Spain takes an ugly turn. The systemic corruption and intellectual anemia of the Franco dictatorship sowed the seed of a story of ambition and abandon that was only reinforced, when the regime ended, by a mediocre political class, and which has led t
The fitting out of a space for holding events has transformed El Jaral de la Mira, a peaceful estate located up in the sierra of Madrid, once upon a time used by King Philip II as a hunting ground. Although a large part of the property is still taken
The French philosopher Michel de Montaigne wished death to find him planting his cabbages, and it is a similar devotion to gardening that we find in Íñigo Segurola, a Basque agricultural engineer and landscapist who for a time was also the presenter
Set to open on 29 April, the exhibition ‘Parque del Drago, 1998-2023: 25 years around the thousand-year-old dragon tree,’ curated by Fernando Menis, will be presented by Luis Fernández-Galiano at the Visitor Center of Dragon Tree Park, in the Tenerif
The 14th Veronica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design has been awarded to the Grand Paris Express, a large-scale transit project currently being built in and around the Paris metropolitan area. With 68 new stations and 200 kilometers of additional trac
From Antiquity to the avant-gardes, the imagined or dreamed cities of the West have drawn from biblical narratives, as explained in a seminar held at the Prado Museum.
Davis, who died of complications from esophageal cancer yesterday at 76, served as both the reluctant prognosticator-in-chief for L.A. and a guide to the overlapping urban crises that now cascade across U.S. cities with alarming frequency. In his imm
Anyone driving northwestward from Las Vegas for three hours, into the Nevada desert, will find the torrid plain giving rise, like a mirage, to some geoglyphic formations with pyramid-like constructions at the center. They resemble the remains of an e
Recent Spanish urban planning is sullied by the fact that political debate, professional criticism, and academic analysis have given way to the judicialization of urban problems, dragging into the sphere of legality all matters that really ought to s
In October 2020, as UN Patron for Cities, I launched the Forum of Mayors in Geneva. Nineteen months later, the world’s population has increased by 151 million. Most have ended up in cities. Why? Because cities offer more opportunities, wealth, libera
Perhaps no human construction is more complex than the city, so there are as many ways to think of it as there are of planning, building, or living it. Some wanted to see it as a problem of creating rhetorical and political order, a matter of symboli
The use of algorithms and big data, triggered by an increase in the potential of computers and the hyperconnectivity of terminals, has spread to the sciences traditionally seen as ‘soft,’ including those related to the city. In supply infrastructures
Often referred to as the “Father of Landscape Architecture,” Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903) —alongside Calvert Vaux (1824-1895)— designed Central Park in the 1850s to be a democratic greenspace in a growing metropolis. That “sense of enlarged free
Ruth Zylberman Autobiografía de un edificio
Caroline Campbell On Fifteen Cities
M.J. Monteagudo Sánchez (ed.) Habitar y transitar
Stefano Mancuso La ciudad viva
Iñaki Alday Margarita Jover Aldayjover arquitectura y paisaje
Patricia Ciriani Espejo Apuntes para una ciudad caníbal
Jorge Dioni López Privatización, turismo, vivienda, especulación, tráfico... Por qué cada vez es más difícil vivir en las ciudades
Andrés Rubio El caos urbano, el mayor fracaso de la democracia
à la sauvette (ed.) Una reflexión sobre nuevos modelos de relación urbana, social e identitaria
José Miguel Fernández Güell Hacia un nuevo modelo conceptual
Helen Crisp Jules Stewart
Londres 2022
Reaktion Books - 248 Pages
Ben Wilson Una historia de la ciudad, el mayor invento de la humanidad
Ana Morcillo Pallarés Production, Revitalization, Commodification
Joan Busquets Michael Keller Dingliang Yang Manual para diseñar mallas y tramas urbanas
Daniel Sarasa José Carlos Arnal Política de innovación urbana
Pamplona 2022
Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad - 300 Pages
Azra Aksamija Building Pluralism
Rahul Mehrotra
Berlín 2021
ArchiTangle - 352 Pages
Nir Haim Buras Building Beautiful and Enduring Communities
John F. C. Turner Por una autonomía del habitar. Escritos sobre vivienda, urbanismo, autogestión y holismo
Arian Heidari Richard Ingersoll A critique of graphic methods of urban analysis
Philipp Rode Ricky Burdett
Londres 2018
Phaidon - 672 Pages
Reinhold Martin Mediapolitics and the City
Harald R. Stühlinger Markus Tubbesing Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani
Zúrich 2018
Hirmer - 330 Pages