Ronquoz 21, Sion (Switzerland)
Herzog & de Meuron- Type Masterplan Landscape architecture / Urban planning
- Date 2019
- City Sion
- Country Switzerland
The city of Sion is planning for future growth by transforming predominantly industrial lands south of the historic center into a sustainable, mixed, and green ‘City of the 21st Century.’ The primary focus is the Ronquoz district, ideally located in the heart of the Rhône valley, near facilities, transportation hubs, and the riverbanks. The aim is to reintegrate the typical Sion landscape at the core of its territorial development. Over the next thirty years, this 60-hectare area will transition from mainly industrial use to a vibrant neighborhood...[+]
Cliente Client
Ville de Sion
Herzog & de Meuron Project Team
Socios Partners
Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Christine Binswanger, Olga Bolshanina (Partner in Charge)
Equipo Project Team
Delphine Camus (Associate, Project Director), Alessandro Arcangeli (Project Manager), Maxime Beljansky, Matteo Bozzi, Panos Coucopoulos, Muriz Djurdjevic, Victoria Kravchenko, Julian Oggier (Associate), Aldis Pahl, Ellen Marie Reinhard, Alois Rosenfeld, Emma Thomas, Daniel Tüschen, Konstantina Tzemou
In Collaboration with
Michel Desvigne Paysagiste: Michel Desvigne (Partner), Enrico Ferraris (Project Manager), Guillemette Dumars,Tommaso Paino, Soo Jung Park
Consultoría Consulting
Mobility Expert: Systematica. Financial Expert: Odinga Picenoni Hagen. Sustainability Expert: Transsolar Energietechnik