Synopses ContentsForms of Landscape. The contrast between the geometrical French garden and the quaint English garden sums up the perennial conflict between order and disorder, between artifice and nature, or between geometry and biology that throbs in built landscapes. The Americans Peter Walker, Martha Schwartz and George Hargreaves; the French Jacques Simon, Michel Corajoud and Alexandre Chemetoff; and the Spanish Elías Torres & José Antonio Martínez Lapeña illustrate different contemporary attitudes to designing the environment, with their attendant social, artistic and ecological implications. Joan Roig Modern Gardens Art, Architecture and LandscapeSusana Canogar Landscape Figures Seven Firms in Three CountriesLuis Maldonado Cultivated Spain From Barcelona to CádizBuildings: Projects and Realizations ArchitectureSquares. In the vicinity of the Alhambra, monument and landscape link up in a route of terraces and ditches; and at the heart of Rotterdam, the mosaic of a pavement transforms an anonymous void into a stage of city life. Hubmann, Vass & Nigst Access to the Alhambra, GranadaAdriaan Geuze Schowburgplein, RotterdamMichael van Valkenburgh Gardens in Minneapolis and ParisGardens. Gardening and botany are employed in the cultivation of corporate images in Minneapolis and Paris, while nature is urbanized around a museum of St. Gallen and within a hospital complex of Bern.
Parks. Whereas the French park of Issoudun recuperates the scheme of old riverside orchards, the absence of immediate references around the Catalan park of Mollet del Vallés leads to the invention of a new topography. Dieter Kienast Gardens in St. Gallen and BernDesvigne & Dalnoky Park in IssoudunEnric Miralles Park in Mollet del VallésBooks, Exhibitions, Personalities Art / CultureQuestions of Perception. The silently monumental cube proposed by Chillida at Fuerteventura and the Prado Museum's exhibition on the five senses invite us to reflect on ways of perceiving art and perceiving in art. Juan Antonio Ramírez The Void of Mount TindayaGuillermo Solana The Five Senses at the PradoSert and Fisac, on Exhibit. Sert's exile in New York is evoked in a Barcelona exhibition showing his projects for Latin American countries, while Fisac's creative evolution is on display in Madrid. Anatxu Zabalbeascoa Sert in New YorkAlberto Pieltain Fisac, Plastic and MechanicModern Sources. The Docomomo inventory broadens the historiographic sources of construction in the Iberian Peninsula from 1925 to 1965, and publications on Burle Marx delve into the legacy of the great modern gardener. Focho's Cartoon Richard NeutraVarious Authors BooksInteriors, Desing, Construction Technique / StyleAcademic Buildings. Carlos Jiménez makes light the main argument at the School of Art of Williams College; Chaix & Morel give a strong technological image to the School of Engineering at Marne-la-Vallée; and Mecanoo adds a Faculty of Law to the scheme of Utrecht's university campus, inspired in traditional North African kasbahs. Carlos Jiménez Art School, WilliamstownChaix & Morel Engineering School, MarneMecanoo Law Faculty, UtrechtTo close, a complete dossier on different types of glass and its possible uses; and a declaration by Oriol Bohigas against the urbanistic policies of the current Spanish government. The architect and town planner fears economic, social and ecological disaster if heretofore valid laws governing urban development are abolished, as the conservative administration has announced. Products GlassEnglish Summary Forms of LandscapeOriol Bohigas The End of Urban Planning
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Landscape is at once inevitable and intentional. As a product of topography and climate, it takes the form of land and water, and in its vegetal nature shine the mineral and the meteor. But as a fruit of purpose or chance, landscape is also an arbitrary construction, a territory shaped by need and desire. In this moist and docile soil lie nutritive certainties and Edenic nostalgias, the seasonal cycle of work and days or the cloistral garden of childhood. The forms of landscape are simultaneously hard and ductile: destiny and caprice, fatigue and hope, custom and discovery coexist in its botanical and human geography.
Against the sacred or profane violence of construction, landscape offers expiation and refuge; compensating for the land damaged by the architect is the land healed by the gardener who irrigates and fertilizes. Yet the land is tampered with equally by the bricklayer and the farmer: pick and hoe that break and dig, shovel and plough that build and cultivate, iron tools, in sum, that erect and produce terrestrial shelter and food. Each generation traces its profile and environment; each generation invents its identity and circumstance; each generation carves its countenance and landscape. In the final analysis, we are responsible for both the filling and the void, for both geometry and vegetation, for both the eye that contemplates and the panorama that is contemplated.
From enclosed orchards to interminable avenues, garden architecture builds paradises and metaphors: curative and loquacious, its botanical placidness heals and enlightens; its labyrinths confuse and protect; its caverns stalk and shelter at the same time. Whether behind walls or in the long flight of perspectives, park landscapes endeavor to both isolate and relieve, providing intimate spaces and distant views, condensed calm and broad openness. Rustic and pagan, pastoral landscape was rendered abstract by the modern rupture, and its hospitality took on a hygienist and sanitary character: green lungs and clinical lawns that are sown and shorn in the gaps of the city.
When urban centers explode into fragments, the landscape wavers between the desolate poetry of the peripheries and the soothing consolation of sugared fairy tale precincts: between the surreal sadism of garbage dumps, wastelands and highways on one hand, and the narcotic formation of imitation woods on the other. Parks become thematic, and urban voids are understood as landscaped platforms for recreational and sport use. These vast profane premises shape the rough landscape of the outskirts and the syrupy landscape of facsimile precincts; but also determine the shape of our interior landscapes, devastated and smiling, pleasant and empty.
Page 3
Ubicación: Paisaje
Page 5
Arquitecto: Perrault, Dominique
Proyecto: Gran Biblioteca de Francia, París
Ubicación: Francia
Page 5
Arquitecto: Fehn, Sverre
Page 7
Ubicación: España
Page 7
Ubicación: España
Page 9
Page 9
Arquitecto: Isozaki, Arata
Proyecto: Polideportivo de Palafolls (Barcelona)
Ubicación: Cataluña
Page 9
Arquitecto: Gehry, Frank
Page 11
Arquitecto: Coll y Leclerc
Proyecto: Conservatorio de Música, Palma de Mallorca
Ubicación: Baleares
Page 11
Arquitecto: Mansilla y Tuñón Fraile, María / De Miguel, Pesquera y Ulargui / Nieto y Sobejano
Proyecto: Museo Provincial, Castellón
Ubicación: Comunidad Valenciana
Page 13
Arquitecto: Aalto, Alvar
Page 13
Arquitecto: Higueras, Fernando
Page 13
Arquitecto: Dieste, Eladio
Page 15
Arquitecto: Van Eyck, Aldo Geipel, Finn / Botta, Mario / Siza, Álvaro / Coop Himmelblau / Miralles, Enric / Koolhaas, Rem / De Carlo, Giancarlo
Proyecto: Frente marítimo de Salónica
Ubicación: Grecia
Page 15
Page 15
Arquitecto: Artengo, Menis y Pastrana
Proyecto: Ampliación del Jardín de La Orotava, Tenerife
Ubicación: Canarias
Pages 17 -20
Pages 21 -31
Arquitecto: Peter Walker, Schwartz, Martha / Hargreaves, George / Simon, Jacques / Corajoud, Michel / Chemetoff, Alexandre / Martínez Lapeña, José Antonio; Torres, Elías
Pages 32 -37
Ubicación: España
Pages 38 -41
Arquitecto: Hubmann, Erich; Vass, Andreas; Nigst, Peter
Proyecto: Nuevos accesos a la Alhambra, Granada
Ubicación: Andalucía
Pages 42 -45
Arquitecto: Geuze, Adriaan; West 8
Proyecto: Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam
Ubicación: Países Bajos
Pages 46 -49
Arquitecto: Van Valkenburg, Michael
Proyecto: Jardín de entrada a General Mills, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Patio en la Avenue Montagne, París
Ubicación: Estados Unidos. Francia
Pages 50 -53
Arquitecto: Kienast, Dieter
Proyecto: Jardín público, St. Gallen. Parque del Inselspital, Berna
Ubicación: Suiza
Pages 54 -57
Arquitecto: Desvigne, Michel; Dalnoky, Christine
Proyecto: Parque urbano, Issoudun
Ubicación: Francia
Pages 58 -63
Arquitecto: Miralles, Enric
Proyecto: Parque y centro cívico, Mollet del Vallés (Barcelona)
Pages 65 -67
Ubicación: Canarias
Pages 68 -69
Pages 70 -72
Arquitecto: Sert, José Luis
Pages 73 -75
Arquitecto: Fisac, Miguel
Page 77
Ubicación: España. Portugal
Libro / Autor: (SA) Arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno, 1925-1965: Registro Docomomo Ibérico. Fundación Mies
Page 78
Arquitecto: Olmsted, Frederick Law
Libro / Autor: (SA) Viewing Olmsted. CCA
Page 78
Arquitecto: Burle Marx, Roberto
Libro / Autor: Coelho Frota, Lélia. Burle Marx: Landschaftgestantung in Brasilien. Cámara Brasileira do Livro Cals, Soraia. Burle Marx: una fotobiografia. / Rizzo, Giulio G (dir.). Roberto Burle Marx: il giardino del Novecento. Cantini Leenhardt, Jacques (dir.). Dans les jardins de Burle Marx. Crestet Centre d'Art
Page 79
Libro / Autor: Jellicoe, Geoffrey y Susan. El paisaje del hombre. Gustavo Gili Steenberger, Clemens; Reh, Wouter. Architecture and Landscape. Prestel
Page 79
Libro / Autor: Shepheard, Paul. The Cultivated Wilderness or, What is Landscape? Graham Foundation / MIT Press
Page 79
Libro / Autor: Favole, Paolo. La plaza en la arquitectura contemporánea. Gustavo Gili
Pages 82 -85
Arquitecto: Jiménez, Carlos
Proyecto: Escuela de Arte Spencer, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts
Ubicación: Estados Unidos
Pages 86 -89
Arquitecto: Chaix, Philippe; Morel, Jean-Paul
Proyecto: Escuela de Ingeniería Civil y Geografía, Marne-la-Vallée
Ubicación: Francia
Pages 90 -97
Arquitecto: Mecanoo
Proyecto: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Utrecht
Ubicación: Países Bajos
Page 101
Producto / Empresa: U-Glass, Cristalería Española Vetroarredo, Fidenza Vetroarredo / Weck, Weck
Page 102
Producto / Empresa: Ariplak, Ariño Duglass Solarsiv, SIV / Stopsol, Pedragosa / Cool-Lite, Cristalería Española
Page 103
Producto / Empresa: Swiggle, Olivé Química Ariglás, Ariño Duglass / Heat Mirror, Heat Mirror / Crisunid California, Cricursa
Page 104
Producto / Empresa: Stralami, Ariño Duglass Listral-Securit Stadip, Cristalería Española / Pyran, Schott Ibérica / Contraflam, Cristalería Española
Page 105
Producto / Empresa: Llumar, Pecosol Diseño Solar, Diseño Solar / Solar-Check, DTI / Scotchtint, 3M
Page 106
Producto / Empresa: Acustiglass, Glassmoble Vidriopantalla Triflex, M. Estada / Velthec-Flexthec, Glassmoble / Priva-Lite, Cristalería Española
Page 107
Producto / Empresa: Formelas, Frepi Decorblind-Secritex, Secrisa / Vidrios grabados, Grabacid / Vidrios curvados, Cricursa
Page 112
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