This house stands on a flat rectangular plot and is designed as an open and flexible domestic space, adaptable to changing needs over time. The simple single-story construction unfolds in a composition of two squares: the larger one, measuring 15x15
The urban disorder that surrounds the house compels it to radically turn inward and organize itself in a classic sequence of spaces around a large quadrangular courtyard. Behind the opaque facade, auxiliary spaces are pushed to the four corners so th
In the Basque city of San Sebastián, on Aldapeta Galtzada, stands this new-build educational center run by Marianists, high on a promontory called Alto de Aiete that looks over rooftops and out north towards the Concha Bay. Directed by Antonio Lorén
Complying with local building tradition, the project renovates a medical practice in Azanuy, a municipality of under 200 people in the comarca of La Litera, in the Aragonese province of Huesca. The clinic is above a warehouse and a garage, both of wh
The refurbishment of this chapel, a project of Sebastián Arquitectos, is included in the second phase of a series of interventions on the French Way as it passes through Aragón. Facing the Leyre mountains, amid elms and oaks, the building once treasu
In Barbatáin, a hamlet belonging to the Navarre municipality of Cedea de Galar, rises the headquarters of Archivos Tecnológicos de Navarra (Atecna), built by Daniel Galar, Josecho Vélaz, Javier Gil Ayesa, and Iñigo Beguiristain. Atecna’s rapid growth
The project for the new municipal school of Berriozar – situated six kilometers from Pamplona – takes as point of departure the importance of architecture in teaching, taking inspiration from Louis Kahn’s words: “Schools began with a man under a tree
Built with loadbearing walls of reinforced concrete and boards of pinewood, this house for a young couple with small children frees up as much land as possible without sacrificing views.
‘Línea P’ or P line – officially Pyrenees Defense Organisation – was a network of defensive fortifications planned and built under the Francoist regime, when the Civil War ended, with the objective of blocking the mountain range to fight off foreign
Architecture is a spatial and material reality bound to its perceptual nature, created from the architect’s scopic and analytical baggage, documented and disseminated through an imagery filtered by the photographer’s eye. The architect decants realit
On view this summer of 2024 at Museo ICO is ‘Moments in Architecture,’ an exhibition originally set up at the Vitra Design Museum. It comes to Madrid as part of the PhotoEspaña festival, but this is not the first time for the spectacular photography
At Museo ICO, the architects and photographers Ana Amado and Andrés Patiño present the Franco regime’s exemplary adventure of rural colonies.
From childhood we want to climb trees, reach the top of a tower, or stand on a cliff’s edge for thrilling views. Since the 19th century the modern city has been associated with verticality, the dream of ever taller buildings in defiance of structural
The enthusiasm of Angelo Maggi, a historian of architectural photography, led the heirs of George Everard Kidder Smith (1913-1997) to move his archive from New York to the Università Iuav di Venezia. A fruit of this donation is this first monograph e
The medium is the message. Marshall McLuhan was saying that the mode through which information is transmitted influences how it is received. This may be why many monographs on architects, at a time when publishing and advertising overlap, are an unre
The Botín Centre’s current show on Thomas Demand presents his photos of realistic models that he himself makes with paper and cardboard.
One could make a family album of Spanish architecture from the Transition to democracy to the dawn of the 21st century using only photographs by Lluís Casals. He had colleagues like Ferrán Freixa, Hisao Suzuki, Duccio Malagamba, or Luis Asín, but Cas
This is a homage to photography and to a city which, paradoxically, plays a secondary role in a visual account. In Madrid, a human landscape lords over the urban one, actors take center stage against the backdrop of props. Madrid – with its popular a
Rigorous and hedonistic at the same time, the work of Fernando Higueras exalts nature and life, far from fashions and labels.
One could identify the visual narrative of mid-20th-century modern Californian architecture, in all its glamour, exclusively with Julius Shulman’s iconic photographs, but this fruit of the ‘discovery’ of the vast archive of the Angeleno Marvin Rand (
Iñaki Bergera (Vitoria, 1972) is a photographer, architect, researcher, and teacher. He obtained his PhD from the School of Architecture of Navarre in 2002, and later studied photography with the British Chris Killip at Harvard University. Since then
Photography of building models brings together two architectural representation systems to express what a project wants to become. Its importance as graphic element, as dissemination tool, and its documentary value as bearer of a legacy that has some
With his rigorous, clear, and socially oriented eye, Juan Pando counted among the favorite photographers of the leading architects of modernity in Spain.
This first detailed study focussed on the modern master’s work as a photographer complements what Le Corbusier and the Power of Photography (2012) addressed in a general way. Tim Benton’s research demonstrates how, in spite of Le Corbusier’s contrad
From Wright to Venturi through Le Corbusier or Perriand, photography was for modern architects both a mediatic instrument and a personal vehicle for aesthetic exploration.
In spite of early successes, Aburto preferred to withdraw into a discreet background, and from there develop a silent and complex body of work as both an architect and an artist.
En 1911, durante el trienio reformista de Canalejas bajo el reinado de Alfonso XIII, se promulgó la Ley de Casas Baratas, que supuso el primer intento de compromiso de las administraciones públicas con la vivienda social en España. Con ocasión de ese
De almacén de alcoholes municipal a espacio cívico, la centenaria Alhóndiga ha cambiado de función sin perder carácter público; por el camino han quedado proyectos insólitos.
El arquitecto Miguel Fisac, fallecido hace ahora cuatro años, protagoniza dos publicaciones recientes, ambas esperadas. Por un lado, un libro editado por Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave para el Ministerio de la Vivienda con ocasión del Premio Nacional de A
De la mismo modo que en la literatura y el cine hay personajes que con apenas un par de líneas consiguen tensar una trama, la historia de la arquitectura se beneficia de la aportación de ciertas personalidades que influyen en el debate profesional de
«Algún día se morirá Cabrero y no me enteraré», me dijo Rafael Aburto hablando de sus colegas y amigos hace no muchos años. Sin embargo, se enteró por la prensa de que había fallecido el pasado 26 de febrero. Los rigores de este duro invierno sellaro
Iñaki Bergera
Madrid 2023
Ediciones Asimétricas - 112 Pages
Iñaki Bergera Tipo y territorio
Iñaki Bergera Photography of Architectural Models in Spain, 1925-1970
Iñaki Bergera Contextos, protagonistas y relatos desde España
Iñaki Bergera
Madrid 2015
Ediciones Asimétricas - 198 Pages
Iñaki Bergera
Zaragoza 2015
Institución Fernando el Católico - 127 Pages
Iñaki Bergera 2012
Iñaki Bergera Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave Arquitecturas y fotografías del siglo XX
Carlos Labarta Iñaki Bergera
Zaragoza 2011
Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza - 64 Pages
Iñaki Bergera La otra modernidad