(Madrid, 1947)
The Fundación Laboral de la Construcción found the most convenient site for the Centro de Referencia Nacional en Materia de Rehabilitación (public research and innovation center in the field of refurbishment) in the old 18th century tannery of Pontep
Located in Realejo, on the southeast end of Granada’s historic quarter, the new School of Architecture goes up in an architectural complex that was once a Military Hospital. This large block, which took shape throughout a long period of urban transfo
The conservation and Preservation Center has been built with the intention of bringing together the functions of the Spanish Film Library, scattered in different buildings. The neutral character of the environment – it goes up in the Ciudad de la I
This single-family house belongs to the hotel complex located in the old tannery by the River Sarela, forming part of an operation to recover its banks. The Fábrica de Curtidos La Ribera de San Lourenzo (a tanning factory), built in 1790, is an indus
Along the edge of the historic quarter, the intervention has as its objective to articulate two parts of the city of very different value: the Park of Santo Domingo de Bonaval and a series of decaying expansion areas of the sixties. The project wraps
A few minutes from the Plaza del Obradoiro, Santiago de Compostela breaks into an array of scattered constructions which show the agricultural and stockbreeding activities that still go on in its close surroundings. On this borderline, where country
The Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells) is a building that dates back to the 15th century; its original masonry corresponding to a Gothic house with a trapezoidal courtyard and small doors and windows on the facade. In the course of history and for
Created in 1981, the Gold Medal for Architecture that is given by the Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) – on this year’s jury of which have sat Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Manuel Gallego, Francisco Jarauta, and Jordi Ludevid – has gon
Heritage restoration has in the last years been one of the most vigorously growing fields of architecture. So it is no surprise that many awards of late have been for interventions on the already built. The Prize for Spanish Architecture, annually gi
Far from imposing boundaries on creativity, paying attention to the existing guarantees that the works are unique and maintain their character over the course of the years.
En las afueras de Santiago de Compostela se encuentran los restos de la antigua fábrica de curtidos de San Lourenzo, hoy objeto de rehabilitación y transformación en instalación hotelera y museística. El proyecto se completa con la construcción de un
Con una reseña en esta sección (véase Arquitectura Viva 52) dimos la bienvenida a este proyecto editorial, lanzado conjuntamente por la ETSA de Pamplona y el Colegio de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro. A razón de cuatro cuadernos por año —salvo la primera
Housing in Santiago, Terminal in Yokohama Presided by Antonio Ortiz and formed, among others, by Rafael Moneo, Carlos Ferrater, Luis Fernández-Galiano, Francisco Mangado and Javier Revillo, the jury of the VII Biennial of Spanish Architecture evalua
Los arquitectos de los edificios laureados en la VII Bienal de Arquitectura Española pasan más tiempo fuera de España que en ella. Víctor López Cotelo, que ha construido unas viviendas compostelanas a partir de los restos de una vaquería, es catedrát