
CSCAE Gold Medal 2016

Two Spanish Masters


Created in 1981, the Gold Medal for Architecture that is given by the Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) – on this year’s jury of which have sat Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Manuel Gallego, Francisco Jarauta, and Jordi Ludevid – has gone to Víctor López Cotelo (Madrid, 1947) and Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra (Seville, 1945). It is not the first time that the CSCAE splits its top distinction: Candela and Sert shared it in 1981, as did Sota and Siza in 1988. In doing so it acknowledges not only the talent of both, but also their commitment to the best tradition of Spanish modern architecture. Recent medalists include Cruz & Ortiz (2014) and Carvajal (2012). An awarding ceremony will take place on 24 November at the Senate Palace.

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