The underlying strategy of this operation is to merge the three programmes – a terminal building, a control tower, and two workshops – with a single formal gesture that manages to avoid appearing as a strange artefact landed on the fields and maintai
On Calle Aluminio of the San Cristóbal industrial park in Valladolid are new facilities of the company Cortes Metalúrgicos Oviedo, designed by Óscar Miguel Ares Álvarez (Valladolid, 1972). The 7,500-square-meter project was conceived from the section
In the 1960s, Herning – a small town in the center of Jutland – became a cultural reference for art, with an intense cultural life promoted by the rich textile industry. In this context, Utzon was commissioned to design an experimental school that sh
Located on the square of the railway station of the Swiss municipality of Pratteln, this mixed-use building is the result of superposing two constructions differing in form and function: a podium and a tower. The expressivity achieved through the sup
The school is located in the urban center of Sabadell, at a corner where two buildings aligned with the street create a wide courtyard with a sports hall inside the block. The project intervenes only in the oldest building (1959), housing the prescho
Situated in the rural countryside of Boulkiemdé province, the Noomdo Orphanage lies approximately 2 kilometers outside Koudougou, and is home to more than fifty children between the ages of six and seventeen. Mimicking the nearby residential compound
So as not to interrupt working activity during the renovation and extension of the Cancer Center Amsterdam, the studio planned the construction of a temporary building made from prefabricated containers on the northern edge of the same block, within
At approximately 100 kilometers from the capital of Badajoz, in the northern part of the province, the city of Don Benito is, with Villanueva de la Serena, the economic center of the Vegas Altas region in Extremadura. The industrial complex of San Is
On the San Francisco campus of the University of Zaragoza, the Center for Biomedical Research takes up a narrow plot between the Hospital Clínico and the sports complex. Because of its location, this space had a residual character, without a defined
On the boundary between the Tagongers Campus and the urban center of Valencia, the Centre d’Idiomes is a hinge between these two fabrics reserving a large space in the west area of the plot, which functions as an outdoor lobby for the university comp
Setting a contrast with the typical design of closed housing blocks found in the Vallecas Ensanche (urban expansion areas), and guided by the unequal conditions of the environment and by the orientation of the plot, the project proposes building two
Located in the Plaisance quarter, close to the city center in the region of Bretagne, the plot is located amid a dense complex of collective social housing from the 1960s, several low-density residential areas of single-family houses to the north and
In a developing urban context, the university campus is a dense islet delimited along the perimeter by the regulations regarding facade alignments. Four buildings are raised around a square, with passageways and interior courtyards at different level
The wine cellar is already a landmark in this small town of 140 inhabitants located in the Corbières massif. Along with the Town Hall and the church, this building now stands as a new monument in the municipality. After twenty years, the improvement
The site, facing southeast and for a long time disocccupied, is one of the last empty plots right on the coast of Arcachon Bay, on the west coast of France. A fragment of sand dune rises and descends quickly towards the bay, covered with shrub-like p
Within the education complex of Gando, the library is located between the two volumes that make up the school and its extension, so a covered courtyard is generated between them. Resorting to the same technique used in the other two pieces that const
The story of this house goes back to the seventies, when Islington was a quarter where the Georgian plazas coexisted side by side with industrial constructions, long before it became the well-to-do neighborhood where Tony Blair and family resided unt