The idea is to refurbish an existing 6,500-square-meter office building of the historic company Breda Siderurgica, located in Bicocca, a district of Milan. The full renovation, inside and out, encompasses three above-ground floor levels plus the base
A 19th-century palazzo has been adapted to house a collection of Etruscan art, part of which is displayed in a hypogeum reminiscent of funerary constructions of the Lazio region. Continuous rows of Florentine sandstone give contour to a grotta dug un
The tripartite composition of the envelope organizes the distribution of uses within the factory. The two first floors, dedicated to theater-related activities, are integrated into the circulation routes of visitors, who become part of the performanc
The main building is designed as a prefab wood structure that permits opening up to 36 skylights on the saw-tooth roof, making sure that the spaces for theater and for culture are always adequately illuminated throughout the day...
Anyone going to a house party knows that the interesting things often happen in the kitchen, not in the living room. This can easily be extrapolated to large events like the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, around which other events have ar
The Italian-Spanish team formed by FRPO Rodríguez y Oriol Arquitectos (Pablo Oriol, Fernando Rodríguez), Walk Architecture & Landscape (Juan Tur Mc Glone), and SD Partners (Massimo, Giuliani, Alessandro Viganò, Beatrice Meroni) placed first in the Ma
Part of a whole revamp of Santa Giulia – a former industrial zone located a few kilometers from downtown Milan – based on a masterplan drawn up by Foster+Partners, this new stadium for sport and culture events was designed by David Chipperfield Archi
The football clubs Inter Milan and AC Milan have announced that Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, commonly known as the San Siro, will be replaced by a stadium designed by Populous. Named ‘The Cathedral,’ the design draws inspiration from two of Milan’s major
A result of the international call for ideas convened by Bocconi University to extend its facilities in Milan, the project for the new campus sits on grounds located south of the current university campus, between a park and the urban environment clo
In these times of pandemic and social distancing, technological tools have tried to address the restrictions imposed on in-person activities through digital alternatives that can help prevent our lives from stagnating altogether. In a locked-down Mil
The new home of Fondazione Prada in Milan, inaugurated in 2015 after the renovation of seven structures of the old distillery – warehouses, laboratories, and brewing silos; and the construction of two new ones – a glazed exhibition hall and a mirror
The S-form of this apartment building in Milan meets the program requirements and complies with zoning regulations while adapting to the triangular site, which includes a public garden and an early 20th-century classicist building that has been fitte
Comissioned by the Italian company Casone Group, the two showrooms – Naturescape in Milan and Stonescape in Bologna – recreate a topography molded by the interaction of stone and water.
In 2016, EMBT participated with four teams – Stefano Boeri, MAD, Cino Zucchi, and Mecanoo – in a multidisciplinary workshop to redefine seven old railway yards that break the urban fabric of Milan imposing barriers between neighboring districts... [+
The pavilion’s envelope is a prestressed plastic mesh that lets the air flow through and natural light come in, which helps keep energy use to a minimum. Built for Expo 2015, the structure is conceived to be easily dismantled and reassembled elsewher
Located in the quietest part of the fairgrounds, the Slow Food pavilion is made up of three wooden-framed cabins arranged around a triangular courtyard.
As part of the redefinition of the area Porta Volta, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli is relocating its seat to the northern center of Milan. Together with the building of Fondazione, the project includes the development of two further buildings, m
Industrialization plays a key role in contemporary construction and can offer solutions to housing issues because it provides huge benefits in terms of build time and quality. Since 2008, Elemental has devoted part of its research to several housing
The playroom’s aim is to serve as a building that lends itself to integration, active use and comfort for disabled children, through three architectural elements: a ramp that surrounds the central space, a structural box and a series of patios... [+]
Cobijada entre los muros de una vieja destilería, la nueva sede milanesa de la Fondazione Prada da lecciones inesperadas sobre cómo intervenir sin complejos en el patrimonio.
The organic form of the building and the 4,000 decontaminating scales cladding its skin metaphorically refer to he dragon, the protector of harvests in Chinese culture.
The thickly set grid of the facade has been constructed following the principles of the Japanese ‘cidori’ tradition, where neither nails nor glues are used.
Within the exhibition ‘Casa per Tutti,’ held at the Triennale of Milan, five prominent architects – Kengo Kuma, Massimiliano Fuksas, MVRDV, Cino Zucchi and Alejandro Aravena – designed five temporary housing prototypes to be displayed at the Triennal
From December 2024 until February 2025, the ADI Design Museum of Milan has welcomed the Architecture for Dogs project, in which Kengo Kuma, Ma Yansong, Shigeru Ban, Sou Fujimoto, Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima, Atelier Bow-Wow, and MVRDV have offered, along
“A modern architect should know how to design anything, from an object to the streets of the city, because everything is connected.” Such was the vital outlook of Gae Aulenti, an indefatigable precursor whose buildings, installations, and furniture p
The death of the politician and media tycoon refreshes memories of the real-estate ventures of his beginnings, dealings which sealed his power.
With the monograph on Gio Ponti just published by Taschen in a large format (36.5 x 36.5 cm), so far rivaled only by Phaidon with its impressive Le Corbusier Le Grand (33.34 x 43.82 cm), the fortunes of this Milanese architect seem to have reached (f
In the absence of being able to go and see its F/W 2021 menswear show in Milan, Prada is tantalising people’s sense of touch with what it describes as an ‘inviting and seductive’ series of spaces. Faux fur walls and cool marble and plaster floors cre
Inspired in the linear archetype of a house with a gable roof, the architecture of the Fondazione Feltrinelli becomes three-dimensional to address the topography and memory of the place.
The recent architecture of large institutional headquarters has enriched the serious and cold canon of modernity with new elements linked to history, technique, and work organization.
The Milanese firm Piuarch has transformed the final assembly plant of an abandoned Caproni aircraft factory in Milan into a new headquarters for the fashion brand Gucci. Exceeding 35,000 square meters in floor area, the complex restores the original
The Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas has inaugurated the tower that wraps up the Fondazione Prada in Milan. Intended to house the institution’s permanent collection of contemporary works of art, this building rises 60 meters and nine stories, cutting a f
Publishers and communications media have traditionally paid close attention to their public corporate image, and have banked on internationally prestigious architects to give that image material form. Suffice it to remember the mythical competition f
After the opening of the Fondazione Prada and Armani/Silos and also in the wake of Expo Milano 2015, Milan’s efforts to be the hub of world design has had no pause. The Lombard capital has now hosted Milan Design Week 2016 and the Milan International
Just a few days after the Universal Exposition of Milan was inaugurated, the outskirts of the northern Italian city saw the opening of the Fondazione Prada, an institution sure to outlast the Expo pavilions. It will last longer because of the quality
Today the world produces more food than it consumes, and yet 800 million people go hungry. Figures of this nature, and of course the fact that gastronomy is one of the strongholds of the culture and economy of Italy, explain the ‘Feeding the Planet’
Milan hasn’t reinvented the expos, but has organized one better than many. The visionary original concept of Jacques Herzog – together with Italian architect Stefano Boeri, British urbanist Ricky Burdett, American green architect William McDonough an
The climate of economic and social austerity has pushed away the gimmicky formulas of previous universal expositions in favor of simpler and more sustainable architecture.
The urbanization layer that globalization has brought to Milan takes the form of trademark buildings which stimulate gentrification and alter the city’s skyline and traditional scheme.
La idea utópica del ‘bosque vertical’ se convierte en una realidad en el complejo de viviendas que Stefano Boeri está construyendo en el centro de Milán, que albergará, en dos torres de 27 alturas, un total de 900 árboles, 5.000 arbustos y 11.000 pla
Como viene haciendo desde 2008, la compañía Canon colabora con artistas japoneses para mostrar en la Semana del Diseño de Milán el espacio ‘Neoreal’. En la edición de este año se ha presentado la instalación titulada Kagayaki (vitalidad de la luz y d
El arquitecto británico John Pawson ha realizado, junto a la empresa italiana Salvatori, el pabellón ‘House of stone’, exhibido en el espacio Think Tank durante la Semana del Diseño de Milán. Para la realización de la casa se ha utilizado piedra rec
La Fundación Giangiacomo Feltrinelli en Milán contará con una nueva sede de los suizos Herzog y de Meuron. La propuesta consiste en tres edificios estrechos y alargados inspirados en las construcciones tradicionales de Lombardía conocidas como cascin
A pocos meses del comienzo de la Exposición Universal de Shanghai, ya están en marcha los preparativos de las dos siguientes exposiciones internacionales, que tendrán lugar, respectivamente, en Yeosu (Corea) en 2012, y en Milán en 2015. Para esta últ
En la actual crisis provocada por las hipotecas subprime, hablar de ‘Casa per tutti’ suena a eslogan político. El lema tiene su origen en una exposición muy politizada que tuvo lugar en Berlín en 1932 con el título ‘Sonne, Luft und Haus für Alle’ (So
A sus setenta años cumplidos, Renzo Piano es un personaje único en la cultura arquitectónica. En Italia, su país de origen, encarna —más en el mundo profesional y académico— el proverbio ‘nadie es profeta en su tierra’, mientras que en el resto del m