Prada Foundation, Milan
OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture- Type Refurbishment Culture / Leisure
- Date 2008 - 2015
- City Milan
- Country Italy
- Photographer Roland Halbe Bas Princen Iwan Baan

During the Italian Renaissance, popes, princes, dukes, and condottieri competed building palaces in which to house their rich collections, availing of the services of astute merchants and the finest artists. Only from the perspective of this obsessive rivalry can there be an explanation for Vespasiano Gonzaga’s decision to build the capital of his tiny state in a remote spot of the Lombardy countryside. Built as a città ideale, Sabbioneta was organized around the Palazzo Grande and the Teatro Olimpico of Vincenzo Scamozzi, and exhibited an important collection of ancient marbles. When the fogs come, the monumental plaza is like a mirage, the product of an ego out of proportion with a city that even now counts little more than 4,000 inhabitants....

Obra Work
Fondazione Prada, via Isarco, Milán Milano.
Cliente Client
Fondazione Prada
Arquitectos Architects
Consultores Consultants
Alvisi.Kirimoto & Partners / Atelier Verticale (arquitectos locales local architects); Favero & Milan (estructuras structures); Favero & Milan / Prisma Engineering (instalaciones installations); GAD (coste cost); Level Acoustics (acústica acoustics); Ducks Sceno (escenografía scenography); GAE Engineering (fuego?fire); Erco (iluminación lighting designer).
Fotos Photos
Bas Princen, Roland Halbe.