(La Chaux de Fonds, 1887 - Roquebrune Cap Martin, 1965)
Richard Ingersoll. Con la inauguración de la actuación de Piano en Ronchamp sigue la polémica entre los enemigos y los defensores del proyecto. Los primeros critican su impacto; los segundos alaban su capacidad de enriquecer el singular enclave.
At the end of the fifties, the friendship between Le Corbusier and an important Dominican whose name rhymed with his own, Father Le Couturier, earned him the commission to build two religious projects bound to become exponents of contemporary archite
La vivienda en Berlín La Unité d'habitation «tipo Berlín». Construida con la Interbau fuera del Hansa Viertel. 24 Unité d'habitation. Le Corbusier, 1957-58. Heiselberger Dreieck, Charlottenburg...
In 1929, Le Corbusier imagined an architectural manifesto that would become one of the masterpieces of the Modern Movement. Today, almost a century later, and in a clear declaration of intentions from the Madrid-based luxury brand, the Villa Savoye h
The only surreal work by Le Corbusier is not by him. As the monumental monograph by the Aachen University professor Wim van den Bergh shows, the very famous image of the grass-floored terrace with Paris’s Arc de Triomphe rising behind a wall where a
The latest Cruise collection imagined by Virginie Viard, unveiled shortly before her departure as creative director of Chanel, was presented with a film protagonized by Marion Barbeau and the Ballet National de Marseille, in which they dance through
In February 1951, Le Corbusier went on his first trip to India. The Government of Punjab – the state that emerged in the northwest after the split of the British Raj – had tasked him with the urban planning of the new regional capital, Chandigarh. As
The fact that Le Corbusier, peintre à Cap-Martin (Éditions du Patrimoine, 2015) has now been published in English is a further step in the reexamination of Le Corbusier that we have been seeing for some time now, and specifically situates his artisti
If the Vienna of the Belle Époque has been presented in three movements – the Oedipal rebellion of the Secession in pursuit of naked truth, the stripping-down of ornament in architecture, and the sensual and irrational paroxysm of expressionism – so
A hundred years after it was published, Vers une architecture remains a source book for anyone wanting to know how the surge of modern architecture happened in the early 20th century. It is most certainly the most circulated, criticized, and interpre
Las grandes figuras del siglo XX transformaron el lenguaje de la arquitectura desde su familiaridad con los cánones clásicos. Aun en el caso de aquellos que no tuvieron una educación académica convencional, la sensibilidad clasicista les llegó a trav
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
Luis Fernández-Galiano gave a series of lectures over different years for the Friends of the Prado Museum Foundation: ‘Jerusalén y Babilonia en el siglo XX’ ‘Del Gabinete al Campus: las transformaciones de la sede del Museo del Prado’ ‘El clasicismo
Para el ruso Melnikov, su vivienda se convirtió en su cárcel. Philip Johnson exhibió su día a día en la Glass House y Le Corbusier eligió para él la cabaña más pequeña que jamás había diseñado. El edificio de viviendas sociales de El Ruedo (Madrid, 1
“May you live in interesting times”: the curse that has fallen upon us resembles the one that befell Europeans in the 1930s. The 1937 Paris International Exposition was the last major cosmopolitan event held in Europe before the apocalypse, and desp
2 September 1975: Pioneering designs, such as those by Le Corbusier, included outdoor spaces and gardens but these have been ignored, a symposium on buildings hears...
Tributes to artists tend to be post mortem. A case in point is Le Corbusier and his pavilion in Zurich, designed as a Maison de l’Homme in which to display the collection of the gallerist Heidi Weber, but which after opening in 1967, two years after
Le Corbusier, pavilion in Zurich.
Situated on the very top of le corbusier’s cité radieuse in marseille — built between 1945 and 1952 — ora ito’s MAMO (marseille modulor) is a place among the clouds devoted to art and design. inaugurated in 2013, the project sees a different artist t
Le Corbusier continues to pass from lights to shadows. In 2015, the 50th anniversary of his death coincided with the publication of three books written by François Chaslin, Xavier de Jarcy, and Marc Perelman that examined his links to the Vichy regim
The piles of sketches, photographs, press cuttings, invoices, train/ship/airplane tickets, letters, telegrams, separatas, project texts, magazines, and books safeguarded at the Fondation Le Corbusier in Paris are the ultimate source of material for t
From adapted homes to collective residences through senior or assisted housing, there are many living models that give a dignified response to the special needs of people in the twilight of life.
Twelve years after the publication of Le Corbusier’s correspondence with August Perret, and nine after that of his epistolary exchange with the painter Charles L’Eplattenier (his teacher in La Chaux-de-Fonds), Marie-Jeanne Dumont presents Le Corbusie
The Unesco Commitee that gathered in Istanbul on 10 July only to cut short its stay because of the 16 July coup d’etat attempt has added five new enclaves to its Heritage of Humanity list, among them seventeen buildings by Le Corbusier and the batter
Half a century after his death, Le Corbusier still stirs the waters of debate. The major exhibition held at the MoMA in 2013 emphasized the landscaping aspect of an oeuvre that tends to be perceived as being removed from context; the no less importan
Was Le Corbusier a fascist? This is the question that has made headlines thanks to a combination of events. On the one hand, the opening of the grand exhibition that the Centre Pompidou in Paris devotes to Le Corbusier on the occasion of the fiftieth
Maristella Casciato (ed.) 1951
Tim Benton Eileen Gray's Villa E 1027 and Le Cabanon
Juan Calatrava Arnaud Dercelles Jorge Torres Valencia 2023
Fernando Quesada Ensayos y proyectos en torno a la Arcadia tecnificada
Maria Bonaiti Villa Sarabhai, Ahmedabab, 1951-1956
Jorge Torres Juan Calatrava
Abada Editores - 264 Pages
Jorge Torres Juan Calatrava
Abada Editores - 112 Pages
Marc Perelman Xavier de Jarcy
Paris 2018
Éditions Non Standard - 272 Pages
François Chaslin
París 2018
Éditions Non Standard - 520 Pages
Clara Elena Mejía Vallejo Jorge Torres Le Corbusier, cincuenta años después
Josep Quetglas
Madrid 2017
Ediciones Asimétricas - 276 Pages
Luis Rojo de Castro
Buenos Aires 2016
Diseño Editorial - 422 Pages
Miquel Adrià Arquitectos mexicanos tras la senda de Le Corbusier
José Ramón Alonso Pereira
Barcelona 2015
Reverté - 320 Pages
Peter Wever A Multimedial Space at the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair
Werner Feiersinger Andrea Vass
Vienna 2015
Scheidegger & Spiess - 414 Pages
Xavier de Jarcy
Paris 2015
Albin Michel - 287 Pages
François Chaslin
París 2015
Éditions du Seuil - 524 Pages
Anthony Flint
Nueva York 2014
New Harvest - 256 Pages
Marc Perelman
París 2015
Michalon - 255 Pages
Olivier Cinqualbre Frédéric Migayrou
Paris 2015
Centre Pompidou - 256 Pages
Jorge Torres Le Corbusier
Madrid 2014
Abada Editores - 346 Pages
Ricardo Daza
Barcelona 2015
Fundación Arquia - 319 Pages