Twelve years after the publication of Le Corbusier’s correspondence with August Perret, and nine after that of his epistolary exchange with the painter Charles L’Eplattenier (his teacher in La Chaux-de-Fonds), Marie-Jeanne Dumont presents Le Corbusier, William Ritter, Lettres croisées, 1910-1955. Lettres à ses maîtres III, a compilation of letters that Jeanneret and the artist, writer, art critic, bibliophile, and collector William Ritter wrote to each other. They met in 1910, when Ritter was living in Munich with his young lover Janko Csadra. He was a man straddling two centuries, refined and endowed with an intelligence admired by Romain Rolland, who called him “mirror of artistic Europe”: “You are what I most appreciate: a Weltbürger,” a citizen of the world, a citizen of that world of yesterday, or better, yesteryear, that European nationalisms and World War I would destroy, and World War II annihilate...