Phase one of the University of Alicante’s Business Creation Center, involving half the building, has been completed. Phase two has yet to be assigned a starting date. Presenting a huge pleated cantilever on the main facade, it is located within the u
The ‘San Carlos’ scheme submitted by Frade Arquitectos – Luca Poian Forms has been named overall winner of the preliminary-design competition for the Alicante City Congress Center. Selected from a pool of 121 entries, ‘San Carlos’ takes the defense f
This 780-square-meter residence unfurls on the site with straight elements connected by gentle curves, giving rise to a series of courtyards. Adapting to the topography, the geometric composition forms three storeys. The bedrooms are in the uppermost
On a hill with craggy slopes in Xixona, a municipality in Alicante province, stands the medieval Castillo de la Torre Grossa (Castle of the Great Tower), called so in reference to one of its main keeps. The start of restoration work in 2019 drew atte
Working from offices in Alicante, Elche, and Albacete, the firm COR Asociados Arquitectos – headed by Miguel Rodenas and Jesús Olivares – has turned one of the oldest buildings of the University of Alicante into a home for its natural collections. Wi
Several snaking concrete footbridges crisscross to form the ‘Braided Valley,’ a network of paths that flow over the Vinalopó River and integrate it into urban life.
The intervention on the Serra Grossa, which places artificial mirador rocks along the waterfront course, recycles inert material left over from the construction of the railway tunnel.
The masonry walls and the bold white volume of a traditional house are at the origins of a project based on the gradual transition from interior to exterior and vice versa.
Casa Mediterráneo is a public consortium, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the AECI (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation), with the collaboration of the Valencian government and the city councils of Alicante and Benidorm. The
In Algueña, a small town in the province and an economy based on agriculture and the marble industry, a new public building will gather all the town’s activities related to music and culture. Music bands have a long tradition in the region of Valenci
Defending a model of sustainable urbanism, the project seeks revitalizing the local values in the touristic cities of the region, paying special attention to their landscape and their own identity. The connections between the poles run along the whol
The headquarters of the SERVEF in Alicante include an office at street level. A skin of aluminum tubes placed in frames turn the facade into a rugged shell to protect the building from sunlight…
Situada al pie de un enclave paisajístico y cultural de gran valor, el proyecto se concibe como una intervención de mínimos que respeta el singular carácter del lugar.
This pavilion-house is built on two adjacent plots in a residential area of San Vicente del Raspeig, north of Alicante. The plots were previously occupied by an old house of scarce value, a pool, and a vegetable garden that had been grown for over tw
Planteado como una ambiciosa ampliación del vecino Museo de la Asegurada, alojado en un antiguo pósito del siglo XVII, el nuevo Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante (MACA), sede del legado Eugenio Sempere y el de Juana Francés, se sitúa en el casc
Located in Rafal, a municipality of 4,000 inhabitants south of the province of Alicante, some 50 kilometers from the capital, the high school goes up in a plot of less than 7,000 square meters, almost half of the standard established by the community
Two narrow bottomless boxes 36 meters long and 3 wide, perforated all around and on the top with 800 holes that serve to let light pass through and held above the ground by a few slender posts, are posed over the platform and the rails to create a co
Located in La Cala de?Benidorm, near the city’s center, the building is the final materialization of a project presented to a competition for the construction of two residential towers, one to be occupied by young tenants and another one for senior c
Teulada-Moraira is an atypical urban center. Though it is divided into two separate physical units, it is however a single administrative one. Located in Alicante, in a valley that descends from the mountain to the sea, the town gives up neither its
Bordering on the city center of San Vicente del Raspeig is a triangular plot with a gentle drop, presided by a pine forest that closes up its north front like a stage curtain. The urban plan for this block proposed its division into two halves, each
Con el deseo de que el edificio se integre en su entorno y acoja otras actividades aparte de las musicales, se opta por descomponer el programa en pequeños equipamientos que se sitúan en torno a un volumen central. Se construye un paisaje de transpar
El parque ha sido concebido para mimetizarse con la curvatura suave de las dunas. Tres estructuras metálicas en espiral y con forma de concha marina albergan el restaurante, el centro de información y una zona de baños al aire libre. El resultado son
En colaboración con Antonio Marquerie, el estudio propone un cuerpo en voladizo que, además de dotar de singularidad a la pieza, establece continuidad con la plaza, incluida en la intervención. La fachada de piedra arenisca evoca las canteras locales
1924-2019 On 11 August, at 95 years of age, Juan Antonio García Solera passed away in Alicante, the city where he was born. He was one of the last living masters of the second modern generation: that of the professionals who started working in the Sp
En una gran parcela que, debido a su difícil topografía, quedó excluida del crecimiento urbanístico de Torrevieja, el equipo barcelonés de Carme Pinós ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de regeneración paisajística y medioambiental. Compuesto de diferente
En el antiguo aparcamiento del Hospital Universitario de Elche, el estudio alicantino de Enrique Tallés ha construido la nueva unidad integral ambulatoria, conectada con el hospital a través de una pasarela. El edificio, un volumen prismático sencill
Instituto de Secundaria en Rafal, Alicante In the 52nd edition of the FAD Awards, four winning works were chosen among the 541 presented to the different categories. The High School in Rafal, Alicante, by Grupo Aranea – directed by Francisco Leyva –
En el casco histórico de Alicante, entre la iglesia monumental de Santa María y la Casa-museo de la Asegurada, sobrio ejemplo del barroco valenciano, Sol Madridejos y Juan Carlos Sancho han construido el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la ciudad, un v
Un exterior rotundo, duro y compacto, en vivo contraste con la variedad de los espacios interiores —con las aulas dispuestas en forma de peine hacia el interior y el espacio libre fragmentado conformando numerosos patios— es la imagen que ofrece el i
En el campus de la Universidad Miguel Hernández en Elche, el estudio Moho Arquitectura —formado por Carlos Abadía, Ignacio Bautista, Pablo García Mora y Ernesto Sierra—ha construido una ‘isla informática’. Se trata de un pabellón que ofrece conexión
Viviendas en Gerona y Alcoy The modest architecture of social housing is 1999’s resounding winner of the Fomento de las Artes Decorativas Awards. An apartment block by Arcadi Pla in Gerona and a residential development by Manuel de Solà-Morales in th