Playgrounds emerged during modernity, and constitute small oases that separate children from a city for which they are still not prepared. Robert Moses saw them as symbols of democracy; Aldo van Eyck, as spaces that are fundamental for social integration; and today they have become indispensable places of interaction for generations that are increasingly focussed on the new forms of digital entertainment. 

The pattern of pipes and the sinuous topography perforate and colonize the old grain sheds and shape a ludic landscape of slides, footbridges, and swings, elements that evoke street play and foster experiential learning.

The Playscape, Beijing (China) 

Cliente Client
Beijing NuanQin 

Arquitectos Architects
waa / we architech anonymous 

Equipo Team
Di Zhang, Jack Young (Arquitectos principales Principal architects); Minghui Huo, Yuqing Feng, Min Wang, Jing Zhu, Mengbo Cao, Hualin Yang, Weiya Li, Qiwen Cao, Heff Jin; Jinbin Zhang, Lida Tang (Equipo de estructuras Structure team) 

Consultor estructuras Structure consultant
LAVA Structure 

Constructora Contractor
YJYZ Construction 

Fotografía Photographs
Tian FangFang