House Canals-Hernáez in Paracuellos, Madrid
Juan Daniel Fullaondo  María Jesús Muñoz 

House Canals-Hernáez in Paracuellos, Madrid

Juan Daniel Fullaondo  María Jesús Muñoz 

The Maison de Verre par excellence is the house that Chareau and Bijvoet designed for Doctor Dalsace in Paris between the two World Wars. The architects did not start from scratch but rather remodeled part of a house within a Rive Gauche patio. Even so, the fantastic interior and the facade on to the patio made the design one of the masterpieces of modernity. It is therefore not surprising that Fullaondo to ok that case into account when remodeling this little row house, or chalé adosado. A s in all houses o f this type, there is a moderate proportion between facade and volume. The ground floor has now been turned into one large space which the owner wants to illuminate as much as possible. As a result, the house’s cladding has been replaced by a new glass surface. As in the preceding case, the metal-framed glass wall goes from top to bottom, immediately behind which there is an open two-story space and the stairway, designed lightly so as to allow light to enter.

The facade is thus more like a giant skylight than a window, with the interior behind glass bricks and metal lacework.

On both sides and above, the house’s tiles and bricks mark a frame for this intrusive and brilliant facade which must seek protection under trees from Madrid’s strong afternoon sun. The Madrid countryside, after all, is not exactly the same as a patio off the Rue Saint-Guillaume... [+]