1932 (New Jersey, United States)
The S-form of this apartment building in Milan meets the program requirements and complies with zoning regulations while adapting to the triangular site, which includes a public garden and an early 20th-century classicist building that has been fitte
Istanbul, one of the cities in which more civilizations have lived throughout history, is an urban palimpsest, a collision of space and time where different cultures coexist...
AFTER YEARS of vicissitudes, the City of Culture of Galicia emerges like a fossil vieira on the hillside of Mount Gaiás, in Santiago de Compostela. In the wake of the cultural projects of the 1990s, this work aimed at placing the city in the select
Jeffrey Kipnis Like Minerva springing from the head of Jupiter a fully formed goddess clad in a suit of armor, the professional sports stadium was born a perfected building type. On the day that Emperor Titus opened the Colosseum almost two thousand
Inspirado en una vieira, el proyecto desarrolla una topografía a partir de la superposición de la traza medieval de la ciudad y de parámetros del entorno natural. El conjunto se estructura en torno a cinco calles peatonales entre las que se ubican se
Una de las paradojas de nuestro tiempo es que los plegados y alabeos en las superficies generados por ordenador se asumen como condiciones naturales. Los procesos informáticos, que son esencialmente ‘on/off (+/–)’, pueden acelerarse para introducir u
The British historian, theorist, and critic imparted his brilliant teachings as a professor in universities in the United States for over half a century …
This symposium at the Yale School of Architecture is convened by Surry Schlabs BA ‘99 M.Arch ‘03 Ph.D ‘17 in celebration of Peter Eisenman’s long and illustrious career as an architect, thinker, author, and educator, a figure whose innovative work as
Arquitectura Viva and its director, Luis Fernández-Galiano, understand and regret the discomfort caused by the series Conversations. Filmed between 2013 and 2018, this documentary series of Fundación Arquia, now being streamed on Netflix, was left un
Imagine that Renzo Piano is a cell. The nucleus of his DNA would be an image of the shipyards of the city of Genoa; if the cell were Norman Foster, the helix would be the sequence of a science fiction cartoon strip; and if the cell were the duo Jacqu
Memory speaks in these ten interviews with masters. I borrow from Vladimir Nabokov’s autobiography the title for the presentation of these conversations, transcribed as monologues to place the focus on the protagonists, whose voices I hope to have re
To America came my great-great-grandfather in 1848. There’s a huge difference between people that came in the middle of the 19th century and people who came in the middle of the 20th century, especially among Jewish families in the States. There’s a
This book redefines ‘lateness’ through a formal analysis of works by Adolf Loos (Villa Karma, Villa Müller), Aldo Rossi (Gallaratese, San Cataldo), and John Hejduk (Texas Houses, Wall Houses). All six works can be said to have been carried out when t
Born into a well-off family of non-practicing Jews, young Peter only became conscious of his origins when the upheaval of the United States’ entry into the war stoked the flames of antisemitism. With both sides of the family coming from the eastern a
We were never that close. We met, as I remember, for the first time at the first CASE meeting, at Princeton, in 1964. Most of the young architects were there: Richard Meier, Michael Graves, Jaquelin Robertson, Richard Weinstein, Hank Millon, Stan And
Peter Eisenman at 85 is on his way to being the longest-living architectural heretic ever. Since the 1960s, when he set about to rock the discipline, he has kept producing texts, disciples, and designs. Proving his continued relevance are an antholog
Symbols of a dramatic epoch, modern monuments have had to revive an ancient function of architecture, perhaps its most essential one: remembering the dead.
Peter Eisenman offers a transgressive Palladio. Against the traditional view of the Vicenza-born architect, which emphasized the order, serenity, and harmony of his buildings, this in-depth reading of his built, drawn, and written work describes his
Michael Graves was a hero. Let me tell you why that is important. Today, in a time when ‘starchitects’ are denigrated openly and derisively – not only in the media, but also, absurdly, in the profession – to be called a hero is to receive a badge of
If two things can synthesize the work of one man, then for Massimo Vignelli, the internationally known graphic designer, those two icons would be the Swiss type of Helvetica and the color Super Warm Red. The first issue of Oppositions, the now well-k
This boos is the second edition of a dissertation defended in 1982. Addressing the disintegration of style in architecture, it is structured in three parts. In the first, in relation to the decline of classicism and the triumph of eclecticism during
«La posible fibra ética y política del hipotético movimiento se habrá desmenuzado cuando reciba en la frente los óleos del MoMA». Así rezaba el primer texto publicado en Arquitectura Viva, firmado por su director en junio de 1988. En efecto, 23 años
Continuando la veterana colección Documenti di architettura, la Editorial Electa nos obsequia en su volumen 183 con otra cuidada monografía de un arquitecto universal. Se trata en este caso del segundo volumen de las obras completas del japonés Tadao
Coincidiendo con la inauguración de la Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia, Eisenman ha conversado con Moneo, Chipperfield y Zaera sobre su obra. Los tres diálogos, moderados por Luis Fernández-Galiano, se editarán como libros; presentamos aquí un extra
La inauguración oficial de dos de los seis edificios que forman la Ciudad de la Cultura —la Biblioteca y el Archivo— abre una nueva etapa en el dilatado proceso de construcción del proyecto de Peter Eisenman en Santiago de Compostela. La puesta en ma
Eisenman ha escrito muchos libros, pero probablemente ninguno tan importante como éste. Junto con su tesis doctoral, The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture, leída en 1963 pero no publicada hasta 2006 (sobre la que ya escribí en Arquitectura Viva 109
Por primera vez en la historia, la cadena de televisión ESPN/ABC ha retransmitido en directo todos y cada uno de los partidos del Mundial de Fútbol 2010 celebrado en Sudáfrica, que se han seguido desde los hogares, los bares y hasta los ordenadores e
La Fundación Wolf, con sede en Israel, concede desde 1978 sus premios, consistentes en 100.000 dólares y un diploma, a científicos y artistas excepcionales. En la edición de 2010 el premio de las artes ha reconocido a dos arquitectos: el estadouniden
Luis Fernández-Galiano Textos y dibujos
Elisa Iturbe Peter Eisenman
Princeton 2020
Princeton University Press - 120 Pages
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Madrid 2019
Fundación Arquia - 120 Pages
Peter Eisenman Una antología de ensayos
Petar Bojanić Vladan Djokić In Dialogue with Architects and Philosophers
Vladimir Belogolovsky The Evolution of Architectural Style
Peter Eisenman Matt Roman
New Haven 2015
Yale University Press - 292 Pages
Mayka García-Hípola
Madrid 2015
CEU Ediciones - 288 Pages
Peter Eisenman
New York 2010
Rizzoli - 304 Pages
Peter Eisenman Kenneth Frampton Mario Gandelsonas Anthony Vidler Colin Rowe Diana Agrest
The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies
Cynthia Davidson
Madrid 2006
Akal - 400 Pages
Peter Eisenman Selected Writings, 1963-1988
Peter Eisenman Investigations on the Interstitial. Eisenman Architects 1988-1998
Andrew Benjamin Cynthia Davidson Luis Fernández-Galiano Investigations on the Interstitial. Eisenman Architects 1988-1998
Fil Hearn
Cambridge (Mass) 2003
MIT Press - 356 Pages
Peter Eisenman
Nueva York 2003
The Monacelli Press - 303 Pages
Peter Eisenman
Baden 2006
Lars Müller Publishers - 384 Pages