Peter Eisenman: Towards a Celebration

This symposium at the Yale School of Architecture is convened by Surry Schlabs BA ‘99 M.Arch ‘03 Ph.D ‘17 in celebration of Peter Eisenman’s long and illustrious career as an architect, thinker, author, and educator, a figure whose innovative work as a designer and tireless dedication as a teacher over the past half-century have helped form—and ever re-form—the field of architecture as we know it today. The event brings together a distinguished group of architects and historians, teachers and students, friends and colleagues, to frame and explore Eisenman’s many extraordinary contributions to modern architectural discourse, and to consider his legacy here at the Yale School of Architecture.
Friday, November 11
Keynote Address
Hastings Hall (Basement Level)
5:00 p.m.
Robert A.M. Stern
Introductory Remarks
Anthony Vidler
The Cooper Union
“The Idea of Form in Architecture: An Enduring Vision”
Saturday, November 12
Notes on Peter Eisenman
Hastings Hall (Basement Level)
9:00 a.m.
Pier Vittorio Aureli
Phil Bernstein
Preston Scott Cohen
Wes Jones
Jeffrey Kipnis
Phyllis Lambert
Greg Lynn
Mary McLeod
Rafael Moneo
Joan Ockman
Alan Plattus
Sarah Whiting
Register for the Yale Architecture symposium Notes on Peter Eisenman: Toward a Celebration