The three terraced levels have a porch and a courtyard. The main elevation is a ceramic fabric reinforced with steel that makes it adaptable to three different functions: latticework, ventilated facade, and plinth with concrete panels...
The privacy of a house and the variety of a city coexist in this mental health center for children in Hokkaido. Chance is introduced as part of the design process, but is not less precise for this reason: precision planning that generates an accident
Designed to take in 750 children in the heart of Copenhagen, the school is envisioned as a city in itself, with its own neighborhoods, squares, parks, houses, and public buildings. Involving a combination of types and solutions, diverse and fun, the
A chromatic roof is the highlight in the conversion of a traditional siheyuan courtyard into a preschool center that is remarkable, too, in its openness to daylight and vegetation. The principal strategy of the project involved wrapping the preexisti
The Germina Foundation is a non-profit institution dedicated to integration and complementary learning experiences for children at risk of social exclusion. Since its creation in the year 2004, the institution has grown and extended its activity, and
A work of the practice of the American Frank Barkow and the German Regine Leibinger, with offices in Berlin and New York, this daycare for children of employees of the machine-tool and medical-equipment manufacturer Trumpf is located within the firm’
Edward Balcells, Ignasi Rius, and Daniel Tigges worked together on this new building housing the kindergarten and the communal spaces of El Til-ler, a Waldorf-Steiner school in Bellaterra, in the Catalonian municipality of Sardañola del Vallés. Arran
Located some 36 kilometers from the capital of the province, and 22 kilometers from Santiago de Compostela, the municipality of A Estrada is surrounded by the green landscape of the Ulla, Vea, and Tabeirós river valleys. With a population of almost 2
The Paris firm Tracks Architectes, headed by Moïse Boucherie y Jérémy Griffon, designed this kindergarten as an orderly succession of timber constructions with gabled forms, reinterpreting the simple geometry of local architecture in Perthes-en-Gatin
The Children’s Culture House presents a bent volume between the two party walls of the lot. The bend solves the height difference between them, while color and texture distinguishes them from the adjacent brick buildings. The greater part of the prog
Within the Home-for-All initiative, a relief project for the coastal area of Japan struck by the earthquake and tsunami of 2011, the plan offers a protected space for play consisting in a laminated wood structure that holds a roof formed by two inver
THE SIX large mulberry trees that rise in the Ausiàs March Park determined the design of this building of innovative program. The UPI (Universidad Popular Infantil, or children’s university), in Gandía, takes up a trapezoidal plot located on the sout
Camouflaged by a thick layer of snow, the only exterior signs of the existence of this shelter, built with corrugated sheet tubes made in a workshop and then towed, are the colorful openings, inspired in the portable holes of Looney Tunes cartoons.
Nets, trapdoors, and ladders lead to the stainless steel slide that connects the roof deck and the main space; the two-level pavilion rests on four tubular steel piles and is built with reclaimed white cedar and weather-resistant polycarbonate.
A rope bridge and monkey bars connect the twin vertical structures of this playhouse for children. Built entirely out of spruce-pine-fir parts measuring 5 x 7.5 centimeters, the overall size of 2.4 x 2.4 meters makes the ensemble transportable by tru
In contrast with the stone and concrete of the buildings surrounding it, the wood structure proposes an itinerary through a topography of gently rolling rubber mounds and centered around the existing pine tree, to which a pitched roof house clings.
The windmill blades, with soft curves due to their aerodynamic shape, are transformed into a playground, and by integrating the trees on the plot it is possible to build a labyrinth with four towers, a net, and a panna-cage...
The project draws on three different local resources: the geological and seismic expertise of the oil industry; the technology, materials and waste related to oil production, and, lastly, the ideas and collaboration with young local groups.
Inspired in natural caves, the project creates a space of 50m3 in a piece of 1,5 tons of waste hollowed via subtractive manufacturing technology; the cave is exposed to sunrays and to rain, it can be climbed and has a number of hiding places. The mat
Ten European teams were invited by the Visual Arts Center in Dordrecht – in collaboration with the Amsterdam team Carve –, to present their design proposals for creative and inventive play objects for children of different ages, with the purpose of c
Thirty-six kids and their parents participated in this experimental project that integrates two structures: a three-dimensional bamboo truss that holds an elevated slab, and a few small platforms of 3x3 meters held by planted bamboo canes. Both struc
La intervención se sitúa en el barrio de Ribera del Beiro, al norte de la ciudad de Granada. Una alta fila de chopos marca el recorrido ligeramente curvo del río, que discurre un par de metros por debajo de la calzada. Un antigua propiedad militar co
El encargo es fruto de un concurso restringido en el que el promotor buscaba una solución para rediseñar el patio de juegos del Colegio Infantil Mirabal, a quien el Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte cedió un terreno de aproximadamente mil metros cua
Along with museums, opera houses, and national assemblies, a specifically modern type of architecture that developed in the course of the 19th century was the center for teaching and learning. First were the universities, which were updated to serve
Como muestra Bertrand Tavernier en la película Ça commence aujourd’hui, la escuela ya no es sólo el lugar para la alfabetización sino para la formación del niño en el sentido más amplio y para la interacción social; interacción demandada por los camb
Actualmente nadie duda de que el periodo más importante de la vida de cualquier hombre o mujer son sus primeros días, sus primeros meses y sus primeros años. Antes de entrar en un aula escolar a los seis años, el niño ha desarrollado la mayor parte
La historia de la educación infantil (escolar y preescolar) es larga y compleja. Hasta hoy los más importantes pedagogos continúan el debate sobre la originalidad y primacía de sus respectivas doctrinas. Si se consideran las ideas radicales como el f