Wikado Playground, Rotterdam
Superuse Studios- Type Landscape architecture / Urban planning Public space
- Material Unconventional materials
- Date 2016
- City Rotterdam
- Country Netherlands

The windmill blades, with soft curves due to their aerodynamic shape, are transformed into a playground, and by integrating the trees on the plot it is possible to build a labyrinth with four towers, a net, and a panna-cage...[+]
Wikado Playground
Superuse Studios
Arquitectos Architects
Superuse Studios
Arquitectos del proyecto Project Architects
Césare Peeren, Jeroen Bergsma
Clientes Commissioners
Kinderparadijs de Meidoorn
Encargo Commission
Renovation of outdated playground
Equipo de diseño Design Team
Césare Peeren, Joroen Bergsma, Jos de Krieger
Colaboradores Collaborators
Jos de Krieger (modelo 3D 3D model); Jos de Krieger, Valentina Karga (maquetas models)
Consultores Consultants
NG Up rotor blades, Nijverdal (proveedor de aspas rotor blades supplier), Playtop, Nike Grind (proveedor de superficies de juego playground surface supplier), Nijha BV, Lochum; Acacia Robinia Nederland BV, Wagenberg; Spereco Holland BV, Weert (proveedor material de zona de juegos playground equipment supplier), Designstudio van Ginneken, Leiden (asesor educativo educational advisor), Bomenwacht Nederland, Capelle a/d IJssel (asesor de los castaños existentes existing chestnut trees advisor), Keurmerkinstituut, Zoetermeer (asesor de seguridad safety advisor), Gebroeders Kraaijeveld, Barendrecht (contratista contractor), Maropol BV, Werkendam (material sintético synthetic material), Kinderparadijs de Meidoorn (pintura painting)