The concrete structure of a wine storage facility has been reused to create a new residential building, thereby significantly minimizing the energy consumed in its construction. Thick pillars in the lower levels, crowned with a truncated cone-shaped
Situated between the Münsterhügel and the former outer city wall, the area known as St. Alban-Vorstadt represents one of Basel’s first early medieval expansions and has largely retained its historic character. In 2017, the Christoph Merian Foundation
The collaboration between the pharmaceutical company F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG and Herzog & de Meuron began in the 1990s. In the three decades since then, a series of buildings has been realized. A development plan devised in 2014 provides the urban gu
Basel’s Messeplatz district is home to the convention center (also by Herzog & de Meuron), life science industry, and the Badischer Bahnhof station. The Rosentalturm project aims to enhance local ties with residences, businesses, and green spaces, em
The master plan proposed for Helvetia Group’s new campus provides space for all Basel-based Helvetia employees, who have been spread across different buildings in the city. The various buildings of the Basel headquarters have grown very heterogeneou
The renovation works at the Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois in Basel involves several spaces. The inauguration of all the new spaces is scheduled for the summer of 2025. First to be completed is ‘The Council,’ a smoking room with two fireplaces, one on ea
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) held an invitation-only competition to renovate and expand its headquarters in Basel, replacing some ageing buildings. The scheme submitted by the Chilean practice of Alejandro Aravena, ELEMENTAL – in coll
With its gentle curves, the Ozeanium responds to the urban fabric and reflects its interior space, where spiral ramps welcome visitors. Except for the circulation cores that anchor the building to the site, the ground floor is a completely open-plan
The young Victor Hugo who in 1832 was forbidden to stage Le roi s’amuse under the pretext of lèse-majesté could not have imagined that twenty years later, people would be singing his verses set to music on the streets of Venice, London, and even Hava
Reinforcing the connection between the museum and city, two new openings accessible via the arcaded sidewalk will be the primary change to the outer shell. The garden is to be doubled in size, while its interior courtyards and terrace will be updated
The stadium of Basel’s local football team, originally designed by Herzog & de Meuron and completed in 2002, will be renovated by the same Swiss firm. In the refurbishment project, photovoltaic panels replace the translucent bulging plastic eleme
The use of mirrored glass on the facades of the two buildings creates a unified image. The buildings are connected through the basement, a technical floor, and the garden – an enigmatic space covered with a thin layer of water to visually increase d
The Zurich practice of Andreas Ilg and Marcel Santer won the 2010 competition to build the recently opened tower of Biozentrum, a center for molecular and biomedical research and education, This is phase one of a new campus for the University of Base
More elaborated plans for the latest revamp of the Roche campus in Basel (Switzerland) have been unveiled. With the transfer to the research center now under construction in the north zone, the pharmaceutical company’s offices and laboratories in the
The firm Herzog & de Meuron recently completed the renovation and new extension of the Stadtcasino Basel. Built in 1876, this concert hall is one of Europe’s oldest, world-renowned for its acoustics. What started as an urban study in 2012 has res
How can an abandoned warehouse be transformed into a mixed-use center brimming with activity 24 hours a day? The city of Basel, in constant growth, has for some years been launching programs to regenerate industrial neighborhoods in the historic cent
At a height of 205 meters, the design of the new tower – with office space for 3,100 employees – relates explicitly to the studio’s first high-rise for the pharmaceutical company in the Wettstein neighborhood, and is governed by the same volumetric c
SBB is one of the largest landowners in Switzerland. This national railway company owns land in prime locations of the urban centers across the country. This previously underutilized potential of real estate has been increasingly developed in the las
The masterplan of the Novartis Campus in Basel calls for a uniform building height of 23.5 m. The office building Asklepios 8 is taller because it is situated at the outermost corner of the campus, where the open expanse of the river Rhine invites a
Helsinki Dreispitz, a project initiated and developed by Herzog & de Meuron, comprises an archive and apartment building on Helsinki-Strasse at the Dreispitz area in Basel. The Dreispitz, an urban site covering some fifty hectares, is privately owned
Roche Building 1 goes up in Basel’s new area of urban development. The building, standing 178 meters tall, counts a total of 41 floors and presents a profile shaped like a terraced wedge. This new office building houses approximately 2,100 workplaces
The waters of the Rhine as it flows through Basel reflect the istrope grid of the Virchow 6 Building, on the east end of the new Novartis Campus. The building joins the long list of projects – by architects like Ando, Chipperfield, Gehry, SANAA, Mone
Reinterpreting the classical museum on a contemporary note, the new volume has an underground connection with the old construction, beneath the street that separates the two buildings.
Early on, I had two great masters: an artist, Joseph Beuys, and an architect, Aldo Rossi. With them I began to lay the intellectual and formal foundations of my architecture. Rossi was in our time the best-known professor at the school, and he had pl
In this open letter addressed to David Chipperfield, Jacques Herzog reflects on the active role that architects ought to play in post-Covid society.
Herzog & de Meuron, celebrating a career
United in professional practice and friendship, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron together turn 70 this spring, and Basel, the birthplace of both, celebrates with them. Though the best of architects are not always prophets in their own land, these
The author of ‘Design for the Real World’ is remembered with an exhibition in Gehry’s building for Vitra which stresses the continued critical relevance of his work.
On view through 10 March at the Vitra Museum in Weil am Rhein is ‘Victor Papanek: The Politics of Design,’ a retrospective on the Austrian designer and educator.
The Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany, will through 10 March 2019 be hosting ‘Victor Papanek: The Politics of Design,’ the first major retrospective ever to be put together to honor the Austrian designer, educator, and activist who settle
The Swiss firm Herzog & de Meuron has won the competition for the chance to develop a new masterplan for Nordspitze, an area to the south of the city of Basel, birthplace of both Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron. Organized around two extensive
Inspired in the ideas of the painter Rémy Zaugg, the Herzog & de Meuron archive in Basel brings together by products of their thirty years of practice.
Profetas en su patria, Herzog & de Meuron son los autores de la rehabilitación del Museo de las Culturas de Basilea. Construido en 1849 sobre el solar de un antiguo monasterio, el Museo fue el primero de su tipo en la ciudad, y alberga una colección
El estudio danés BIG ha resultado el ganador del concurso para la rehabilitación y ampliación del denominado Trantsitlager, un edificio industrial de los años 1960 y 18.000 metros cuadrados, situado en Dreispitz, una zona de la ciudad suiza de Basile
La multinacional Novartis, dedicada a la industria farmacéutica y la biotecnología, conserva en el área industrial de St. Johann, junto a la frontera francesa, el edificio original de 1939 donde estuvieron las oficinas centrales. A su alrededor y sig
Asentada en un recodo del Rin, la ciudad suiza de Basilea limita con la Alsacia francesa y el Land alemán de Baden-Wurtemberg, y cuenta con una larga tradición universitaria, así como con un potente sector químico y farmacéutico. En esta próspera reg
At the crossroads of three countries, Basel promotes itself under the motto ‘Culture Unlimited’. This mixed label, which joins a mention to its intellectual legacy and artistic leadership with a suggested reference to its entrepreneurial dynamism, de
El Kunstmuseum de Basilea alberga una importante colección de pintura y grabado europeos; su sede actual es un edificio de clasicismo tardío en el centro de la ciudad, que se ha quedado pequeño para las crecientes necesidades de la institución. Por e
Herzog & De Meuron reinvented themselves in 1998. During the design of the Ricola offices there was one of those genetic mutations that generate a new organism, because the creative spark of this transformation lit up a formal fire that is still burn
This magazine devoted an issue to Herzog & de Meuron in 1999, and after only five years we return to the Basel architects to take stock of the remarkable production of the last period, that has witnessed the global expansion of the firm and the a
Según el tópico repetido a finales de los años ochenta y principios de los noventa, Herzog & de Meuron eran arquitectos de fachadas; muy hábiles en la decoración de naves pero apenas interesados en la configuración espacial. El refinamiento y la
Hace algunos años, en la década de los ochenta, no había arquitecto con ambiciones que no salpicase sus proyectos con citas de artistas conceptuales como referencia indispensable. (Incluso hoy en día es frecuente encontrar arquitectos maduros cuyos i
I sometimes wonder whether I should write more. What has been said by an architect in the last twenty years that has a substance on the level of Venturi or Rossi’s texts? Rem’s contributions are more comments on what’s happening, not a single text or
Herzog & de Meuron cook over a low flame, and every now and then take out all the dishes at once. This is what happened during the first half of 2003, that aside from seeing them win the competitions for the Beijing Olympic Stadium and the Hamburg Ph
H&deM have earned both critical esteem and popular applause without participating in the frivolous games of the media. The two decades of architectural work produced by Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron has been consistently rep