“One must be absolutely modern.” Since the time Rimbaud wrote this intimidating phrase in 1873, we have been turning it around in our heads. Also in architecture, which was quick to equip itself with the instrument it needs to make good judgments on
The bible of the Modern Movement, Space, Time and Architecture, was originally published in English, and the career of its author is inseparable from his links to America. The Swiss art historian and architecture critic Sigfried Giedion was secretary
Madrid’s recovery is a bittersweet one. Ten years after the real estate bubble burst, the city is experiencing a vibrant growth, but the return of the cranes has not brought competitions back, and architects with a cultural dimension have had to turn
Since the year 1907 the American Institute of Architects has given its Gold Medal to professionals deemed influential in architectural theory and practice. The prize for 2015 goes to Moshe Safdie, born in 1938 in Haifa (Israel) but based abroad since
La intención de alejar la tópica identificación de América Latina con las temperaturas elevadas inspira el título de la exposición ‘América Fría. La abstracción geométrica en Latinoamérica (1934-1973)’, que hasta el próximo 15 de mayo permanecerá abi
We pretend to be citizens of the globe, but in truth we live in a small world. AV/Arquitectura Viva set out, from their birth almost a quarter of a century ago, to cover the architecture of the planet, and the choice of Berlin as theme of the maiden
Spanish children of the fifties were denied all whims with a bold sentence, ‘this is not America!’, which was often followed by another that said more or less the same, ‘we are not millionaires!’ Half a century later, these kinds of exclamations are
El MoMA y el Whitney han coproducido el acontecimiento expositivo del año: las retrospectivas de ‘Mies en Berlín’ y ‘Mies en América’, simultáneamente exhibidas en los dos grandes museos neoyorquinos. Tras la lectura de las reseñas escritas por, ent
El edificio de oficinas ha sido el rostro del mundo de los negocios americano para el resto del mundo a lo largo del siglo XX. ¿Quién puede imaginar la ciudad de Nueva York sin evocar el Empire State o las Torres Gemelas del World Trade Center? ¿O Sa
Después de la II Guerra Mundial, los arquitectos del Movimiento Moderno barrieron América usando el Estilo Internacional, sustituyendo lo que consideraban construcciones anticuadas por otras nuevas, funcionales y carentes de ornamento. Medio siglo de
Just as the annals of twentieth-century architecture began drawing to their close, a thrilling and largely unexpected denouement was provided by Frank Gehry. The completion of his Guggenheim Museum Bilbao of 1991-1997 in the Basque country’s largest
Among all living American architects, only two – Frank Gehry and Robert Venturi – now seem unquestionably assured of a permanent place in the history of their art form. Yet the question remains: What will they be remembered for? Gehry’s idiosyncratic
The great misfortune of Louis Kahn’s long-thwarted but ultimately triumphant career was in his being born in 1901, a poor year for modern architecture. Too young during the first flood of modernism after World War I, Kahn was out of phase with cycles
Since transformations in architectural style often follow major economic, social, political, or technological upheavals, it is not surprising that the building art in this century has been so marked by change. And certainly few periods in modern hist
We are at that dramatic moment in-our national life wherein we tremble evenly between decay and evolution, and our architecture, with strange fidelity, reflects this equipoise. That the forces of decadence predominate in quantity there can be no doub
In Henry R. Luce’s hortatory 1941 editorial “The American Century,” which appeared in his Life magazine a few months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor drew the United States into World War II, the publisher urged his countrymen to abandon th
The 20th century is already yestercentury. That much was already expressed by a 1901 compilation of articles by the Spanish writer Leopoldo Alas, ‘Clarín’, and under the same title we present here a collection of pieces by the New York critic and his
We take from the art of the past what we need. The variable posthumous reputations of even the greatest artists and the unpredictable revivals of interest in even the most obscure ones tend to reveal more about those who make revisionist assessments
Por tratarse de un sistema cerrado —perfecto— la arquitectura de Mies no admite la intromisión de ningún elemento extraño sin correr el riesgo de desmentirse a sí misma. Jencks enjuicia la obra americana de Mies desde el punto de vista de sus princip
Jean-Louis Cohen Amerikanizm in Russian Architecture
Gloria Camarero Gómez
Madrid 2017
Akal Fundación ICO - 360 Pages
Luis Fernández-Galiano Arquitecturas del siglo XXI
Phyllis Lambert
Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) - 790 Pages