PRES Constitución Masterplan, Constitución
Alejandro Aravena  ELEMENTAL 

PRES Constitución Masterplan, Constitución

Alejandro Aravena  ELEMENTAL 

The earthquake of 8.8 that hit Chile in 2010 had a strong impact on the buildings, although the majority of them managed to stay standing. However, the tsunami that ensued was devastating because of the lack of preparation for this type of disaster. The city of Constitución, on the estuary of Maule River and open to the Pacific Ocean, was destroyed almost in its entirety. The government then launched a plan to rebuild the city, a program that had to be clearly defined within one hundred days of the catastrophe. A popular survey was carried out right after, asking citizens for their opinion about their environment, and their answers revealed two predominant concerns: to generate more public space in the city and improve its quality, and to create democratic access to the river. The plan addresses all these demands within the specific effort to provide tsunami protection. To achieve this, instead of using heavy infrastructure to build a sea wall, the plan proposes a coastal park with a large network of public facilities and some strategic interventions in the urban fabric. The coastal band uses vegetation and the relief as elements of friction that can mitigate the energy of the waves.

Proyecto Project

Plan de Reconstrucción Sustentable Post-tsunami (PRES) Constitución Sustainable Post-Tsunami Reconstruction Plan

Cliente Client

Consorcio PRES Constitución: Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo (MINVU); Ilustre Municipalidad de Constitución; Arauco

Arquitectos Architects


Empresas asociadas Associated Companies

Tironi Asociados, Arup, Fundación Chile Marketek, Universidad de Talca

Superficie Area

5,100,000 m² (ciudad city)

Fotos Photos

Elemental; Felipe Díaz Contardo/fotoarq