In several of the camps scattered around the country to take in people fleeing from nearby Myanmar, six communal spaces try to contribute to easing the difficult situation. Raised with the most readily available materials and the techniques of Rohing
On the shore of Lake Victoria, a pediatric hospital seeks to provide medical care to young residents of the area while serving as a center for the training of local physicians and nurses. Equipped with three operating rooms and eighty beds, the hospi
With the health crisis that broke out last spring, the government of the Community of Madrid, through its regional health service, took several measures to try to curb the pandemic and provide urgent attention to the ill. The IFEMA field hospital mad
The aprop program for provisional housing launched by the City of Barcelona is designed to offer a swift, efficient, and pragmatic response to emergency situations caused by shortage of housing, keeping neighbors from having to leave gentrified distr
The project MUF (Modulare Unterkunft für Flüchtlinge) is an initiative of Berlin’s City Hall that has been implemented by different housing associations, in this case Gesobau AG in collaboration with Baumschlager Eberle Architekten and the constructi
Two years before his death, artist, filmmaker, and playwright Christoph Schlingensief managed to embark Kéré on his dream of building an opera house in the heart of Africa. While traveling through Burkina Faso in search of the adequate site, the coun
Emergency’s new Center for Pediatric Surgery in Uganda, south of the city of Kampala, on the north shore of Lake Victoria, is not only a hospital of excellence, but a building that enriches the area in a number of ways. Emergency’s hospitals provide
The semi-open courtyard and the timber latticeworks with patterns inspired in Islamic motifs, create a warm and friendly atmosphere for refugees arriving in Germany.
This is the temporary shelter built in Cebu, Philippines, following the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan (locally called Yolanda) in November of 2013. This project is the fourth version of a system of temporary shelters, first developed after the 1995 K
Built with shipping containers, this community was created to address the shortage of housing after the earthquake of 2011 in Onagawa, in Miyagi Prefecture. Unlike the usual emergency units, which need a lot of flat land for construction, this projec
After a natural disaster, and until temporary housing is built, those affected take shelter in public buildings or large facilities like sports centers. To address the problems of lack of privacy and overcrowding that emerge in these situations, the
The Hualin Temporary Elementary School in the Chinese city of Chengdu replaces the old building that was torn down by the Sichuan earthquake of May 2008. The structure, made of paper tubes, was assembled by thirty architecture students of Keio Univer
The earthquake of 26 December 2004 caused a catastrophic tsunami that took the life of 38,000 people in Sri Lanka. One of the devastated areas was Kirinda, a small community of Islamic fishermen located in the southern coast of the country. The recon
The earthquake of 8.8 that hit Chile in 2010 had a strong impact on the buildings, although the majority of them managed to stay standing. However, the tsunami that ensued was devastating because of the lack of preparation for this type of disaster.
The Mae Sot school is the first case in a large program involving the application of a light transportable modular system where industrialized elements and local materials can be combined.
The proposal defines the educational program of a vocational training course in hydrological risks, and which includes traineeships that are repaid in the form of social benefits...
The urban fabric takes shape via three actions: relocating the houses at risk of flooding, improving the existing constructions and pointing out the areas where new structures can go up...
67 kilometers from Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis has experienced a fast-paced process of informal growth that has respected neither the areas of environmental protection nor those prone to flooding. The new morpheme (smallest residential unit) is based
By means of an elevated platform, which spans the area at greater risk of flooding, it is possible to equip Saavedra with safe tourist facilities and an exit route in case of emergency...
The 1960 earthquake and tsunami destroyed most of the urban fabric of Port Saavedra and closed its access to the sea, creating the Imperial Lagoon and eliminating the motor of its economy. The project stems from the study of the resilient elements (t
The site assigned by the River Rímac in Lima, known as El Montón, was previously a waste site and nothing can be built there, so it has been transformed into a public space. The treatment of the waste generated by inhabitants allows to produce the co
On an urban scale the scheme proposes making the most of the water resources, recovering the Canal del Dique as navigable course and promoting agriculture as local economic engine...
The Colombian municipality of San Cristóbal is affected by the meteorological phenomenon La Niña, which brings strong rains and causes the Canal del Dique to overflow. The construction of housing is set forth as a participative process with ecologica
It is fitting to use the name of the nurse Isabel Zendal, a key figure in the extraordinary expedition that took the smallpox vaccine to the confines of the Spanish Empire early in the 19th century, for the Community of Madrid’s new hospital for epid
When we were told to stay inside our homes, a portion of the population quietly went below ground. The first tenant for one of Frank Woodworth’s underground bunkers wasn’t a human, it was a seed. “A couple of hippies called me up and asked me to buil
Architecture plays an important role in the response to catastrophes of all kinds, and this role is raising a great amount of interest in society. Nevertheless, it must be made clear from the start that in emergency architecture, many conventional fe
The prefabricated, light and transportable module has deserved a lot of attention and research in modern architecture, but today its presence is rather modest, not to say scarce. The account of this elementary type could perhaps begin with Charlotte