University of York Student Center
First Prize

University of York Student Center

First Prize

The contour of the building adapts to the conditions of its context: to the west it sinks and creates a covered open-air space; to the east it opens up to the street to welcome students; and to the south the facade is transformed into a winter garden...[+]

University of York Student Center (United Kingdom)

Cliente Client
University of York

O’Donnell+Tuomey/Sheila O’Donnell, John Tuomey, Mark Grehan, Eimear Hanratty, Brian Barber, Ruth McNickle; ADP (socios arquitectos architectural partners)

Equipo Team
AKT II (estructura y fachada structure and facade); Max Fordham (sostenibilidad y servicios services and sustainability); LDA design (paisajismo landscape); CPC (presupuesto cost consultant)

Imágenes Images
O’Donnell + Tuomey; Infinite 3D