Shelter and Viewpoints for Tourists
Grupo Talca- Type Viewing deck Landscape architecture / Urban planning Culture / Leisure
- Material Wood
- Date 2006
- Country Chile
- Photographer Cristóbal Palma Germán Valenzuela Rodrigo Sheward Blanca Zuñiga

At a distance of forty kilometers from the city of Villarica there is a small community of woodcutters formed by eleven families dedicated to the exploitation of local tree species (mañío, tepa and coigüe) and the harvesting of lands for their own subsistence. Conscious of the need to preserve the environment, the younger generations have developed a project of agricultural tourism that ensures the reforestation of the woods and, at the same time, offers trekking routes and excursions by horse. The reconversion of this environment has generated the need to build a house for rest, which is used as shelter for hunters in winter and the construction of a viewpoint to contemplate the landscape that stretches from the Villarica volcano to the Calafquén and Panguipulli lakes.
Moreover, creating a new route that connects the unirrigated area of Chile through the coastal mountain range, the seven newly-built modules become resting areas for the tourists, and also spaces from which to enjoy the views. They have all been built with a framework of wood pieces, which have been obtained through the recycling of the logs and branches used in the area’s wood industry to light the boilers...[+]
Arquitecto Architect
Caseta de acopio y mirador en Pinohuacho: Rodrigo Sheward Giordano
Miradores en la ruta de Secano Interior: Ronald Hernández, Marcelo Valdez, Osvaldo Veliz
Colaboradores Collaborators
Caseta de acopio y mirador en Pinohuacho: German Valenzuela
Miradores en la ruta de Secano Interior: Kenneth Gleiser
Consultores Consultants
Miradores en la ruta de Secano Interior: Maderas Bravo (madera wood)
Fotos Photos
Germán Valenzuela, Cristobal Palma , Rodrigo Sheward, Blanca Zuñiga