Aside from renewing the captaincy and the services of the marina, the project recovers the continuity of the old customs officers’ trail, which had been interrupted by the construction of the port infrastructure.
The project ‘Between Cathedrals’ sought to carry out an intervention worthy of the most significant location in the history of Cadiz, the oldest city of the West: the empty space between the Old and New Cathedrals, facing the sea. The objectives were
As if it were the deck of a ship stranded between two beaches, a horizontal platform on a huge stone box that seems to have emerged from the bowels of the Earth offers views of the distant sea...
Conceived as a ‘cascade of volumes,’ the building is staggered over four levels between the two streets to adapt to the steep site so that, from the sea, this new house is seen as just one more piece of the village...
Inspired by the legacy of César Manrique in Lanzarote, the center is designed as a dark, horizontal plane made out of the island’s volcanic ash, managing to merge the building with the terrain...
A series of programmatic and functional walls go up on an orthogonal and flexible grid that manages to resolve, in a unitary and simultaneous way, the spaces, structure, installations, enclosure and integration into its surrondings. The program – mar
The Japanese firm SANAA, founded by Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, has won the competition to build the Maritime Museum in the Dapeng area of the city of Shenzhen. Its scheme, titled ‘The Cloud on the Ocean,’ was one of 88 entries that came from 2
At the foot of the fortress built by the Genoese in the 14th century – and which gave the city its name – a sinuous walk is set into the rock, giving access to 450 meters of coastline beside the mighty walls that in the past resisted the squadrons of
Spreading like a membrane of concrete that evokes the form of a wave, the house seeks to engage in dialogue, through contrast and metaphor, with the powerful context of the location. The residence is part of an initiative taken in the wake of Chile’s
The building is part of a private initiative that involved inviting eight Japanese architects (among them Sejima, Nishizawa, Juma, Fujimoto, and Ishigami) and the same number of Chilean ones to design a vacation house in Los Vilos, a rugged natural e
Oliver Wainwright Hovering above the sandy shores of Saadiyat Island like an upturned colander washed up on the beach, the metal-domed roof of the Louvre Abu Dhabi doesn't give much away from the outside. A cluster of white blocks spreads out from be
Home to the Boca del Río Philharmonic Orchestra, the Foro Boca building is part of a masterplan to revitalize the deteriorated area around the river mouth that gives the city its name. The form of the bold volumes of poured-on-site concrte that make
The Beijing firm Vector Architects has renovated this house on the southeast end of Huangqi Peninsula, Fujian Province, for the captain of a ship and his family. The intervention addressed the deterioration of the building by adding a 12-centimeter-t
This small vacation home designed by the architectural firm Tham & Videgård is located on a strategic promontory of the island of Krokholmen, very close to the city of Stockholm. The wooden construction faces a forest of conifers on one side, and
The Botín Centre, a space for art, culture and education, projecting into the Bay of Santander, restores the ties between the historical part of the city and the sea. The freeway separating the park from the sea has now been rung underground through
Part of a nationwide safety proram of the Netherlands is the Biesbosch Museum Island, located on ground that formerly was the 4,450-hectare Noordwaard polder and which has now been transformed into a water-retention area. The project worked on a pree
The project will transform downtown West Palm Beach by opening up the city to its new waterfront through a broad-scale, multidiscipline, evolutive, participatory, and bioclimatic strategy.
In a marvelous place, a piece of earthly paradise, we have built an infinte plane facing the infinite sea, the most radical house we have ever made. Facing the Atlantic Ocean, on the very water’s edge on a beach of Cádiz, not far from the ruins of Bo
Facing the Pacific Ocean, on a rocky stretch southeast of Tokyo, House O twists to face the sea and frame different views. The uniqueness of its floor plan, conceived as the branches of a tree, is its spatial continuity. All the spaces – entrance, li
Oscar Niemeyer’s capacity to create icons is unquestionable: the Contemporary Art Museum of Niterói is perhaps the most recent example of the ‘Niemeyer effect’. Separated from Rio de Janeiro by Guanabara Bay, the city of Niterói was a gloomy place, o
Câmara de Lobos es un pequeño pueblo pesquero situado a pocos kilómetros de Funchal, la capital de Madeira. La localidad está fundada en una bahía de perfil rocoso formada a partir de las coladas de lava volcánica originadas a lo largo de los siglos
El edificio nace en el paseo marítimo que bordea el nuevo distrito cultural y desde ahí crece y se ramifica en dirección al mar, incrementando su complejidad a la vez que aumenta su altura y su profundidad. Los espacios escénicos brotan en su estruct
Funchal, capital de Madeira, posee una estructura museológica constituida por pequeños recintos expositivos enlazados en un itinerario que permite leer su evolución histórica. No obstante, carece de un espacio dedicado a manifestaciones artísticas re
Issue 5 of Zodiac, published in the spring of 1960, showed how Jørn Utzon’s winning the competition for the Sydney Opera House was not a mere stroke of luck, and that he was an architect to watch out for. Works like the water tower on Bornholm or the
Water dilutes the certitudes of architecture. Its liquid state erodes physical foundations and disintegrates the discipline’s conceptual base. Marx warned that under capitalism ‘all that is solid melts into air,’ and Marshall Berman picked up the bat
El territorio gallego está formado por cientos, miles de valles, de diverso tamaño y configuración, que se van acoplando los unos a los otros, y articulando, en tanto que descienden desde las altas montañas del interior hasta el mar. También cientos,