(Benimánet, 1951)
A series of mobile wings makes the huge host pavilion look like a bird in flight, a reference to the important role played by falconry in uniting the various tribes that formed the country.
The roof design makes reference to the shell present in the city corporate seal, and the ‘Y’ shape of the terminal evokes the forking course of the Chicago River. Filled with plants, the building also recalls the history of the place... [+]
A lo largo de un eje de casi dos kilómetros en el antiguo cauce del Turia, la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia se ha consolidado con el paso del tiempo como un parque cultural y de ocio no sólo para sus vecinos, sino para los miles de v
In the interior of the Western Harbor district of Malmö, the third most important city of Sweden, stretches this 190 meter high tower. This is a renewed urban environment, which through initiatives such as Sweden’s first international housing exhibit
Richard Ingersoll Los preámbulos de los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas han sido de los más emocionantes en la historia del olimpismo, aunque no por los aspectos deportivos, sino por la incertidumbre acerca de la terminación en plazo de las obras y por la
Located on a promontory close to the port, the new auditorium rounds off the program for the revitalization of an ocean front area west of the city, taken up until recently by industrial sheds and a refinery, and which is now the site of the marine p
Joseph Giovannini With its two angled masts suspending a monumental glass dome and bridge from fanning webs of cable, the entrance pavilion to the new Milwaukee Art Museum seems spectacular enough. But at the push of a button, a pair of huge sunscree
With Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum as landmark, Bilbao has launched an ambitious urban renovation plan that has also resourced to well-known names to design its most significant infrastructures. The extension of Sondica Airport is part of this gro
Between the dry watercourse of the River Turia and the road to El Saler, in the southeastern periphery of Valencia, the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias will consolidate the connection of two hardly related neighborhoods. After a first version of
The original design, a viaduct 4,300 meters long with two causeways and two bridges, is seen altered in its execution because of the different ownership of its parts, resulting in the eventual construction of only one bridge. The roadway, covering a
In obstinate resistance to real estate speculation, the small early 20th-century St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church stood in the vicinity of the World Trade Center like an anachronistic residue of 1920s Manhattan, but was completely destroyed in the
An ephemeral installation by the French artist Daniel Buren will for a dress the high-speed station of the Belgian city of Liège, a work of Santiago Calatrava, with a play of colors. The huge undulating roof – spanning 158 meters – was built with lar
The state of Wisconsin's most populous city has dedicated 16 September to the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava to commemorate the construction of the Quadracci Pavilion at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Calatrava's first project in the United States,
In spite of the exceptional reception the public has always given him, Santiago Calatrava’s L’Àgora is regarded with suspicion by critics. Not only because of the visual populism the construction flaunts, but also, and above all, because this skeleto
Caixaforum Valencia
Imagine that Renzo Piano is a cell. The nucleus of his DNA would be an image of the shipyards of the city of Genoa; if the cell were Norman Foster, the helix would be the sequence of a science fiction cartoon strip; and if the cell were the duo Jacqu
Architects who become popular for making iconic monuments make big bucks off their skills. A combination of three disciples of engineering, environmental science, and art, Architecture is an influential career. As the countries continue to grow and h
Expo 2020 officially opened in Dubai on 1 October. Like so many other premium celebrations, it is being held a year later than it was supposed to be, delayed by Covid-19. Themed ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future,’ the first major international e
In New York, in line with the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, the Santiago Calatrava-designed St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was lit for the first time. The original temple was totally destroyed when Tower 2 of the World Trade Center collapsed. Pr
Mi trabajo de editor me ha llevado a establecer vínculos estrechos con muchos de los más grandes arquitectos contemporáneos, pero no ha sido así en el caso de Santiago Calatrava. Pese a ser compatriotas y coetáneos, nuestra relación ha sido episódica
A multipurpose facility to be designed by world-famous Spanish architect and structural engineer Santiago Calatrava is set to become a new landmark in northern Taiwan's Taoyuan. Commissioned by the Far Eastern Group, the Far Eastern International Con
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
Santiago Calatrava has been having a chain of anni horribiles in which he has had to face problems like the degradation of some of his icons (namely the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia and the Adán Martín Auditorium in the Canarian island o
At the dawn of the 21st century, Santiago Calatrava Valls was a global celebrity. His name appeared attached to phrases like “prestigious Spanish architect who has been triumphing in the world.” True, the only Spaniard on the list of Pritzker winners
The Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava has inaugurated at Manhattan’s Ground Zero a work of extraordinary visibility and symbolic importance. Located at the World Trade Center, the Oculus station will connect ten New York City subway l
Accompanied by Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff and the entire retinue that the consecration of a building slated to symbolize the new Rio de Janeiro deserves, the Spanish architect-engineer Santiago Calatrava inaugurated the Museum of Tomorrow. Tru
Calatrava’s architecture gets a lot of media hype even when it fails. At the same time that cranes surrounded the Palau de les Arts opera house in order to strip it of its Gaudiesque mosaic cladding, other cranes and scaffolds – no less spectacular –
Giving spectacular panoramic views of the Qatari capital, Santiago Calatrava’s Sharq Crossing will interconnect three bridges through underwater tunnels in Doha Bay. With a total length of 12 kilometers, the new set of arteries will take pressure off
El papa Benedicto XVI ha nombrado al arquitecto e ingeniero español Santiago Calatrava consultor del Consejo Pontificio de la Cultura del Vaticano (Pontificium Consilium de Cultura), organismo surgido del Concilio Vaticano II cuya función primordial
La imputación de Santiago Calatrava en el caso de la presunta contratación ilícita del anteproyecto para una nueva ópera en la bahía de Palma, encargado en 2007 al arquitecto por el gobierno de Jaume Matas, constituye el último eslabón del proceso ju
Con una breve historia que comienza a principios del siglo XIX, culminando a finales del XX con el Guggenheim de Bilbao, el museo ha sido el edificio más prolífico de los últimos años, y el más representativo de la sociedad mediática y la cultura de
Con vistas a la celebración en 2016 de los Juegos Olímpicos la cidade maravilhosa prepara proyectos como el Porto Maravilha, la regeneración de un área degradada de la bahía de Guanabara, donde se alzará el Museo del Mañana, diseñado por el español S
Doce años después de haber ganado el concurso para su adjudicación (véase Arquitectura Viva 55) y con siete años de retraso sobre el plazo previsto, se ha inaugurado la estación de alta velocidad Lieja-Guillemins, última obra de Santiago Calatrava en