Hamburg, Germany
In the eastern part of the city of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi province, a recently completed station becomes part of the country’s high-speed rail network. With a gross floor area of approximately 100,000 square meters, it provides eight platfo
The main objective of the renovation was to give Real Madrid’s stadium more flexible and dynamic, readjusting its massive form to the scale of the city around it. The asymmetrical envelope flows with curved surfaces to reflect the diffused light in a
The German firm von Gerkan, Marg und Partners (gmp) has placed first in the competition to renovate the workshop which is the oldest among the institutions falling under the Berlin State Museums: the Gipsformerei, where for over 200 years now, replic
The firms Rem Koolhaas – OMA and gmp Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner are the winners of the competition to draw up the masterplan and architectural design for Chengdu Future Science and Technology City, located 50 kilometers from Chengdu and
In the Chinese province of Jiangsu, in the eastern part of the country, Changzhou is a 2,500 year old city with a dense network of rivers that is becoming the new industrial and technological hub in the prosperous Yangtze River delta area. There in C
In the Chinese province of Jiangsu, in the eastern part of the country, Changzhou is a 2,500 year old city with a dense network of rivers that is becoming the new industrial and technological hub in the prosperous Yangtze River delta area. There in C
The German firm gmp (Architekten Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner) finished refurbishing and enlarging te Kulturpalast of Dresde in 2017. A result of a 2009 competition, the intervention respects the style of the original building, raised in 1969, while
The German firm gmp (Architekten Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner) finished refurbishing and enlarging te Kulturpalast of Dresde in 2017. A result of a 2009 competition, the intervention respects the style of the original building, raised in 1969, while
This venue for cultural events is the second work that the Hamburg firm gmp – Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner – has carried out in Nanning, capital of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China. Rising independently on a stone pl
Coated with stone streaks in light tones and of different widths – in contrast with the dark gray metallic elements and the glassy transparencies – the office and retail complex consists of a 100-meter tower and nine blocks with pitched roofs... [+]
Located on the site of an old factory, this archive harbors a major collection of original documents and books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria – including letters written by Martin Luther to the popes and emperors of his day – as well a
In the nature reserve of the peninsula of Graswarder, the birdwatching tower is a structure constructed with Siberian larch wood, rising 15 meters high. In the upper part of the tower, a glazed observation station welcomes the groups of visitors.
Aiming to produce different atmospheres, the proposal is a tapestry constituted by a series of volumes and landscapes that converge at the Gold Spiral. Underneath it, the imposing dome of the Acoustic Center is a space to read the Qur’an.
Three large arterial roads corner the new sports complex west of Lausanne. The urban harshness is conteracted by a rigourosly circular plan that is also used to soften the link between the diverse morphological structures of two adjacent neighborhood
The school building echoes the prominent sloping location with a tiered design, moreover defining three distinct program areas – living, learning, performing – that meet the center’s requirements…
Como una flor de pétalos angulosos asomada al lago North End, el campo Nelson Mandela cuenta con una cubierta plegada en la que las áreas opacas alternan con las translúcidas.
Como un fanal translúcido de volumen ovalado y cubierta en forma de silla de montar, el estadio se integra como un elemento artificial en el paisaje del Cabo de Buena Esperanza.
La tercera ciudad del país, cosmopolita y portuaria, se ha dotado con un estadio de fuerte carga simbólica: un arco que unifica las etnias y homenajea en planta a la bandera.
El histórico escenario que presenció las cuatro medallas de oro que Jesse Owens consiguió en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1936 ante los ojos de Adolf Hitler y que sirvió para que Leni Riefenstahl filmase Olympia, el documental propagandístico más represen
Football clubs renew their T-shirts in a seasonal mutation that leads to ever more sophisticated technology for textiles and patterns, supposedly for the greater comfort of players but in essence involving minimal changes with the sole purpose of mak
With deep gratitude I bid farewell to a longtime friend and companion. Behind us lie six decades of designing together – in our shared student pad and, since 1965, in our office. What started as a two-man enterprise with a small ad in the Hamburger A
1935-2022 On November 30, 2022, the architect Meinhard von Gerkan passed away in Hamburg at the age of 87. He was one of the most influential German architects, a committed university professor, and an astute critic. For more than fifty years he cont
Adif has publicly named the teams selected to go on to phase two of the competition to transform the Madrid–Chamartín station: UNStudio with b720; RSHP with Luis Vidal; Souto de Moura with Francisco Mangado and José María Ezquiaga; Grimshaw with Carl
Real Madrid finally has its icon. This time the club’s much-awaited new star is the stadium that after a long, two-phased competition full of twists and turns has been commissioned to the team formed by GMP Architekten, L-35, and Ribas & Ribas, perha
Aunque el concurso todavía no se ha fallado, se conocen ya las cuatro propuestas para la reforma del Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, proyectadas por arquitectos que, habida cuenta del encargo, no podían ser sino ‘galácticos’.
De los diez estadios que han sido escenario de los partidos del campeonato mundial de fútbol destacan los construidos en cuatro de las más importantes ciudades sudafricanas.
En 2014 Brasil acogerá el Mundial de Fútbol, recogiendo el testigo de Sudáfrica 2010. La celebración supone todo un reto para el país, y el presidente Lula ha reconocido que «no se gastará un centavo» en los campos de juego, a pesar de que todas las
Con éste son ya nueve los tomos que la editorial suiza Birkhäuser lleva dedicados a recoger cronológicamente la obra del gigantesco estudio alemán gmp (Von Gerkan, Marg & Partners), fundado en 1966 y cuya primera obra importante fue el aeropuerto ber