(Königsberg, 1936)
The German firm von Gerkan, Marg und Partners (gmp) has placed first in the competition to renovate the workshop which is the oldest among the institutions falling under the Berlin State Museums: the Gipsformerei, where for over 200 years now, replic
Three large arterial roads corner the new sports complex west of Lausanne. The urban harshness is conteracted by a rigourosly circular plan that is also used to soften the link between the diverse morphological structures of two adjacent neighborhood
The school building echoes the prominent sloping location with a tiered design, moreover defining three distinct program areas – living, learning, performing – that meet the center’s requirements…
El histórico escenario que presenció las cuatro medallas de oro que Jesse Owens consiguió en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1936 ante los ojos de Adolf Hitler y que sirvió para que Leni Riefenstahl filmase Olympia, el documental propagandístico más represen
With deep gratitude I bid farewell to a longtime friend and companion. Behind us lie six decades of designing together – in our shared student pad and, since 1965, in our office. What started as a two-man enterprise with a small ad in the Hamburger A
Con éste son ya nueve los tomos que la editorial suiza Birkhäuser lleva dedicados a recoger cronológicamente la obra del gigantesco estudio alemán gmp (Von Gerkan, Marg & Partners), fundado en 1966 y cuya primera obra importante fue el aeropuerto ber