In a residential complex with a golf course and a blurred urban character, the building stands out against the void context relating the program to the landscape’s most interesting elements. To achieve this its positions are defined and linked to the
To make the most of the qualities of the natural environment whilst minimizing the impact on it was the starting point for the design of this house. To begin with, the volumetric line of the building adjusts to the existing vegetation, permitting the
La traza volumétrica del edificio se adapta al bosque existente, dejando que sean los troncos los que definan la geometría de la planta. Después se estudian las posibilidades que ofrece la configuración resultante, buscando soluciones particulares qu
The urban and environmental renovation of the Vizcaya’s capital, promoted by the consortium Bilbao Ría 2000, extends to the areas cleared on both banks, promoting new programs where once there were only factories and cranes. Halfway between city and
The profile of chimneys and blast furnaces, refineries, steel plants and shipyards that flanked the estuary of Bilbao has gradually given way to a clean landscape scattered with architectural landmarks that bear witness to the modernization of the re
This project for Saint Denis, on Réunion Island, is based on an interpretation of city structures as living textures able to recombine and mutate their codes through procedures analogous to those of molecular biology. To address the cultural multipli
In a green mountain setting, the irregular silhouette of the building reflects the different environments created to the measurement of a child, where the low doorways define a domain precluding adults. Commissioned by the school
A decir de muchos, la arquitectura española atraviesa una etapa brillante. Y vamos a suponer por un instante que efectivamente es así, para preguntarnos a continuación si la edición de arquitectura española —o la arquitectura española editada— está a
For Eduardo Arroyo life is a voyage, and the studio he set up in 1989 under the name of NO.MAD has followed him everywhere: from its origins in Amsterdam to Rotterdam, where he worked with Rem Koolhaas, and from Paris where he collaborated with Jean
A nursery school near Bilbao reflects the changing cultural climate of a Basque Country that faces a significant political crossroads.