Madrid, Spain / New York, United States
The design of Reggio School is based on the idea that architectural environments can arouse in children a desire for exploration and inquiry. The building is thought of as a complex ecosystem that makes it possible for students to direct their own ed
Office for Political Innovation is the name of the international architectural practice founded by Andrés Jaque – recently appointed Dean of Columbia GSAPP – in 2003. The studio, based in Madrid and New York, works at the intersection of design, rese
Molina de Segura (Murcia) is a formerly-rural county where vast stretches of land have been exploited to create suburbs. The result is a flattening of the land’s topographies and the destruction of its ramblas (territorial system of ravines) and loca
Conceived as an ‘urban technofarm,’ Run Run Run is a politically driven infrastructure that seeks to turn the street into a “playing and training field” and provoke human encounters in places and activities traditionally belonging to the realm of the
Based in Madrid and New York, the firm Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation has unveiled its project for this school promoted by the Reggio Center for Pedagogical Research and Innovation (CIIP reggio), in Madrid. In accordance with the peda
A recreation of scenes on a large scale reinterprets Powers of Ten (1977), the short film about the relative scales of the universe by Charles and Ray Eames, revealing alternative narratives, political conflicts, and forgotten historic events... [+]
The project recovers the original volume and space – built by Luis Gutiérrez Soto in 1950 –, unveils its columns, and builds a marble gazebo that organizes the uses; dichroic mirrors placed opposite to one another create disorientation... [+]
Devised as an event in which different artists participate and that is open to the public, the slow process of intervention in phases at the CA2M art center invites to reflect upon the material instability of buildings over the passage of time... [+]
In a central public plaza of the city of Holon, a roof equipped with wind mill modules promotes the organization of activities through the interaction in a public digital interface, generating a meeting space that is filled with shaded areas... [+]
With a structure that spans over 30 meters and made up of photovoltaic panels that feed the systems designed to cool room temperature, the mobile prototype – still in testing phase – favors social interaction in the capital of the Emirates... [+]
Designed to draw attention to the degradation of the wetlands of Bogotá, the device consists of a garden that is lifted by a light structure of steel tubes and stretchers, reproducing the relationship between water and the different ecosystems... [+]
In the artificial landscape of the old aerodrome, the project proposes inhabited mountains – able to improve the environment and promote civic encounter –, exploring architecture’s capacity to subvert the dialectic between natural and built territory
Devised as an ecotone shared by the different species of Mälaren Lake and the Baltic Sea, the project functions as a City-Parliament able to organize the coexistence with human ecosystems: buildings, agriculture, infrastructures... The residential co
With a structure of laminated wood and a transformable modular facade, the building mixes residential uses and communal infrastructures, low-environmental impact production facilities, and intergenerational daycare centers... [+]
Elevated on a steel structure and wrapped in planes of glass, refrigerated panels, and polycarbonate skylights, the house is organized around an elliptical crown of tractioned marble that invites to observe domestic everyday life... [+]
The house reduces its footprint to a minimum and functions as an environmental mediator – collecting water from the roof and releasing it during dry periods or when salinity and toxicity increase – to protect the island from the effects of climate ch
Aiming to direct the attention of the visitor towards the artworks, the intervention in ARCO minimizes the presence of architectural elements, placing the services in a secondary band and offering spaces for social interaction.
The coil of standard plastic cubes forms a circuit which in successive phases enables the natural and ecological purification of the water; a sensor collects data and sends it to an online reader in real time.
The refurbishment of Matadero is one of the most ambitious cultural projects launched in the city over the last years. Converted into a contemporary art center, it develops a stable activity since 2007. Its comprehensive program and varied activities
Can architecture be a mediator between cultural production groups and the public effort to make this production accessible to the general public? The project addresses that challenge. The proposal adds three structures of stage equipment to the free
This operation starts with a 1,300 square meter sloping site located in the Cala Vadella valley, a picturesque natural harbor in the island of Ibiza. From the ground on this hillside, which has a 20% average slope and a north-west aspect, one can see
La diócesis de la villa cacereña de Plasencia convocó en el año 2000 un concurso para la remodelación del antiguo Seminario Menor Diocesano —un caserón del siglo XV al cual se habían añadido algunas dependencias en el XIX y que se encontraba en estad
The Transspecies Kitchen experiment transforms pieces of marble discarded as waste during stone extraction into a sustainable kitchen that relies on fermentation as the primary method of preparing food. This harnesses the ecological energy produced b
The death of Andrés Perea has made orphans of a good number of Spanish architects: those who found in his ethical and intellectual position, in his work, in the pedagogical methods he promoted, and in his defense of plural access to the profession th
A second set of eight architects met at Arquia’s Madrid base to reflect on the state of the profession and outline its challenges for the future.
Para los humanos, el presente, el futuro y también la manera de entender nuestros pasados están determinados por las crisis climáticas. En función de estas crisis se posicionan las políticas económicas, energéticas, tecnológicas, territoriales, medio
. It is neither frequent nor rare for the FAD Award to be shared by two works on an equal footing. But whereas past ex aequo winners were very different in nature, this time the two awardees address similar concerns with a proactive audacity pointing
The death of the politician and media tycoon refreshes memories of the real-estate ventures of his beginnings, dealings which sealed his power.
Andrés Jaque has on the outskirts of Madrid broken ground in school architecture and given tangible form to an innovative pedagogical method.
Pupils asked for a building without walls that was like a garden and a spaceship. The dazzling result, housed within a living skin for insects and fungi, is one of the most inventive schools ever built. "It looks like a robot made of butter,” was one
The career of Andrés Jaqué can conceptually be described as being halfway between architectural design and critical activism, and geographically it is divided between Madrid and New York City, where he has been teaching since the year 2013, and direc
Looking northward from the Top of the Rock, Rockefeller Center’s observation deck, the skyline is defined by three supertall pencil towers, from left to right: Central Park Tower, the tallest residential building in the world at 98 stories; 53 West 5
Iñaki Ábalos belongs to a small set of Spanish architects who pursue an intellectual project where design takes on a critical dimension. His practice cannot be separated from his theoretical contributions to typological analysis and eco-technological
“Architecture is not about space, nor about containment,” writes Andrés Jaque. “It is not possible for architecture to spatially contain the transscalar societal compositions where life, politics, knowledge, and interactions happen.” Many have looked
The ideas of Vitruvius have been questioned for some time. The figure inscribed within a perfect geometry sums up the worldview that since Leonardo has kept the human being at the center of existence, but on a planet of increasing degradation and ine
To dismantle and battle the binarisms of gender, to identify the multiple constructions and technologies through which the heteropatriarchy operates in the guise of modernity, and to trace the potential of the trans in fighting regimes of exploitatio
Presided in its 2020 edition by Anna Ramos, the FAD Award for Architecture went to an apartment block in Sant Boi de Llobregat, by the Madrid firm Estudio Herreros in collaboration with the local Estudi d’arquitectura MIMA-A. The jury deemed it “a me
The Transscalar Architecture of COVID-19 tracks how coronavirus, its contagion, and its responses are enacted through space...
Andrés Jaque is an architect, writer, and curator internationally renowned as one of the initiators of interscalar and transmedium approaches to urban and territorial studies. His work explores environments as the entanglement of life, bodies, techno
At last we can enjoy a book by one of the most active Madrid architects of the generation born in the 1970s. We welcome what could be a renewed interest in architectural essays, and the optimism triggered by the book’s coinciding with the consolidati
Since the time he set up his Office for Political Innovation in the year 2003, the Spaniard Andrés Jaque has succeeded in making a niche for himself – a truly growing one at that – in both the Spanish and the international architecture scenes, on the
Recently awarded the Frederick Kiesler Prize for Architecture and the Arts, Andrés Jaque presented Superpower of Ten at the Jumex Museum in Mexico City. This is a work in process – accompanied by lectures, workshops, and performances – that reinterpr
On 5 June, after five years of intense public controversy, the City Hall of Oslo authorized the construction of Lambda, the project drawn up by Herreros Arquitectos for the new Munch Museum, Norway’s leading emblem and a must-stop in the art circuit.
Con el fin de atenuar el desajuste entre la concentración física de las instituciones culturales de Madrid y la distribución dispersa de sus agrupaciones de artistas, el equipo de Andrés Jaque ha diseñado dos estructuras móviles de grandes luces (véa
La presente monografía recoge el trabajo del arquitecto colombiano Giancarlo Mazzanti ofreciendo una muestra de las obras que ha venido desarrollando en los últimos veinte años. Se trata de un libro de referencia para entender su arquitectura, caract
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation
Nueva York 2020
Columbia University Press - 512 Pages
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation Marina Otero Lucia Pietroiusti (ed.)
Nieuwe Instituut - 500 Pages
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation Ensayos sobre arquitectura y cosmopolítica
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation
Madrid 2017
Ministerio de Educación - 170 Pages
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation
Santiago de Chile 2017
ARQ Ediciones - 144 Pages
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation
Barcelona 2013
Fundación Mies van der Rohe - 38 Pages
Enrique Encabo Inmaculada Esteban Maluenda Políticas del día a día
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation Codes for Everyday Architectural Practices