Elevated on a steel structure and wrapped in planes of glass, refrigerated panels, and polycarbonate skylights, the house is organized around an elliptical crown of tractioned marble that invites to observe domestic everyday life... [+]

Obra Work

Marblelous Crowned House, Molina del Segura, Murcia, Spain

Fecha Date


Autores Authors

Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation + Miguel Mesa

Equipo Team

Roberto González García, Laura Mora Vitoria, Nieves Calvo López, Ana Fernández Martínez, Marina Fernández Ramos, David Gil Delgado, Marta Jarabo Devesa, Paola Pabón, Belverence Tameau, Flavio Martella

Estructuras Structural Engineering

Iago González Quelle (QL Ingeniería)