Restauration of the Castle of Baena, Córdoba
José Manuel López Osorio 

Restauration of the Castle of Baena, Córdoba

José Manuel López Osorio 

Photographs from the early 20th century have allowed to rebuild the castle using sandstone ashlar pieces with carved headers to let light pass through; a substructure anchored to the concrete cores of the interior of the towers stabilizes the new walls...

Obra Work
Restauración del Castillo de Baena, Córdoba Restauration of the Castle of Baena, Córdoba (Spain)

Arquitectos Architects
José Manuel López Osorio

Colaboradores Collaborators
Miguel Medrano Bernal, David Toledo Quero, Noemi Cruz Orantes, Manuel Contreras Cobos, Jesús Cillero Capel, Inmaculada Gavilán Marín, José García Soriano, Manuel Albendín Castro

Arquitectos técnicos Technical Architects
Francisco Urbistondo Tamayo, Manuel Valencia, Miguel Felipe Martín Gil, Mª Carmen Sáez Serrano

Arqueólogos Archaeologist
Javier Ariza Rodríguez, José Manuel Torres Carbonell, Pilar Segovia

Estructuras Structure
Miguel Ángel Jiménez Dengra

Instalaciones Installations

Constructor Contractor
Bados y Navarro S.L., Estudio y Métodos de la Restauración, UTE: Azuche 88 S.L-Construcciones y Excavaciones Fajosa S.L., Grupo Gubia S.L.