Garcimuñoz Castle Rehabilitation, Cuenca (in construction)
Izaskun Chinchilla- Type Refurbishment Museum Culture / Leisure
- Date 2013
- City Cuenca
- Country Spain

Three years after its foundation, the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture moves its location from the semi-industrial neighborhood in the north of Moscow to one of the city’s best known public spaces, Gorky Park; from the former bus garage designed by Konstantin Mélnikov to the Vremena Goda (seasons of the year) pavilion, abandoned for twenty years and in a decaying state. Mantaining the existing structure of prefabricated concrete, the unobstructed two floors are used for exhibitions while the adjacent garden will host all open air activities.
Three specific strategies of mobility in the facade, floor and partitions dynamize the intervention. Globally, the project respects the original construction while showing the posterior decay into which it had fallen for years...[+]
Cliente Client
Ministerio de Fomento. Secretaría de Estado de Vivienda y Actuaciones Urbanas
NOTA: La financiación del 100% del importe de ejecución de las obras, de la redacción de los proyectos y de los honorarios de Dirección facultativa corresponde al Ministerio de Fomento.
The Ministry of Development has financed 100% of the execution of the works, development of projects and management fees.
Arquitecto Architect
Izaskun Chinchilla Moreno
Colaboradores Collaborators
Carlos Jiménez Cenamor (proyecto y co-dirección de obra project and site supervision), D-fine (arquitectos técnicos quantity surveyors)
Consultores Consultants
Rafael Úrculo Ingenieros (instalaciones MEP), FHECOR, SL (estructuras structural engineering)
Constructoras Construction companies
CLEOP, SA (constructora construction company), FERROALUPAL, SL (estructura metálica ironwork), MONSALEC, S.L.(electricidad electricity), NOEMA RESTAURADORES, SL (restauración restoration)
Agradecimientos Acknowledgements
Vicente Pla Espí (jefe de obra site manager), José Vicente Genes (encargado de obra site foreman), Gonzalo Ezpeleta Piorno (topografo surveyor), Fernando López Gracia, Salvador de FERROALUPAL
Fotos Photos
Miguel de Guzmán