Rachadouro Cloister Reconversion, Alcobaça (Portugal)
Eduardo Souto de Moura 

Rachadouro Cloister Reconversion, Alcobaça (Portugal)

Eduardo Souto de Moura 

The state of the complex, which was successively altered since the 1834 abolition of religious orders, facilitated the insertion of lodgings in the old cells and the use of the library bay for common areas.

As much in the rooms as in the cloister arcades and the vaulted halls, the new finishes and furniture aim to enhance the original elements and preserve the atmosphere of bareness characteristic of Cistercian monastic life...[+]

Obra Work
Reconversión del claustro de Rachadouro, Alcobaza (Portugal)
Rachadouro Cloister Reconversion, Alcobaça (Portugal)

Cliente Client
Empreendimentos Turísticos Montebelo – Sociedade de Turismo e Recreio

Arquitectos Architects
Eduardo Souto de Moura, Luís Peixoto; Jaime Silva, Mariana Outeiro, André Tavares (colaboradores collaborators)

Consultores Consultants
Grupo Visabeira (estructura, instalaciones y electricidad structure, MEP services, and electricity); GOP (estructura structure)

Contratista Contractor

Superficie Area
15.800 m²

Fotos Photos
Marta Ferreira / LFA fotografia