PHZ Private House in Zurich

PHZ Private House in Zurich


The project tries to maintain the typology, the scale, and the proportion of the traditional European ‘villas’ using contemporary materials and building techniques. The H plan and the two patios articulate and organize the different functions of the program... [+]

Obra Work

PHZ Private House in Zurich

Arquitecto Architect

Eduardo Souto de Moura

Fecha del proyecto Date of the project


Colaboradores Collaborators

Tiago Coelho, Luisa Moura, Tiago Morais, André Cardoso, Ricardo Prata, Diogo Guimarães

Consultores Consultant

AFA consult (ingeniería de estructuras, eléctrica, mecánica e hidraúlica structure, electrical, mechanical and hydraulic engineering)

Estimación presupuestaria Cost management

Bernhard Rüst

Imágenes 3D 3D images

REAL LIGHT – Manuel Menéres