Il Cielo in Terra, Venice
Alberto Campo Baeza- Type Place of worship Religious / Memorial
- Material Concrete
- Date 2016 - 2019
- City Venice
- Country Italy
- Photographer Javier Callejas Luca Faggiotto

Heaven on Earth. That is how I have more than once described my intention when designing the houses I have built, every single one of them.
This is the latest. All the more reason to make it a piece of Heaven on Earth.
In Venice. It is an honor for an architect to build a piece of heaven in Venice, in Mestre, in San Doná di Piave. In a very beautiful place.
A concrete cube looking gray from outside.
A box full of shadow inside, pierced by light just like a musical instrument is pierced by air. At the center, floating in shadow, a small cube of white marble, penetrated by solar rays to the rhythm of the movement of light, resulting in a near-divine air. A true boîte à miracles, as the master would say...[+]
Promotor Developer
Adalberto Mestre
Arquitecto Architect
Alberto Campo Baeza
Arquitectos colaboradores Collaborators
Adalberto Mestre, Tommaso Campiotti, Ignacio Aguirre López, Alejandro Cervilla García, María Pérez de Camino Díez, Elena Jiménez Sánchez, Alfonso Guajardo-Fajardo Cruz, Joan Suñé, Francesc Abajo
Estructura Structure
Alessandro Emanuelli (hormigón armado reinforced concrete); Claudio Nadal (puerta de acero y hormigón concrete and steel door)
Contratista Contractor
IMEA (hormigón concrete); Angelo Nadal (acero steel); Zanet Marmi (mármol marble)
Superficie Floor area
Fotos Photos
Javier Callejas, Luca Faggiotto