Guggach primary school in Zurich
Weyell Zipse Architekten  

Guggach primary school in Zurich

Weyell Zipse Architekten  

This project by the Basel firm of Christian Weyell and Kai Zipse is the outcome of a 2018 competition. On a tract of land of about 7,600 square meters, the Guggach elementary school in Zurich makes space for twelve classrooms organized in symmetrically arranged groups. Divided into two climatically enclosed sections, the groups flank an atrium that adapts to seasonal changes through manually operated 12-meter-tall sliding doors. The same can be said of the roof with its integrated sunshades, allowing for flexible, customizable ventilation scenarios. Folding partitions also contribute to the adaptability of the groupings. The school includes an assembly hall, a library, sports facilities, and two outdoor classrooms on the park side.

The combination of simplicity and coherence that is recognizable in the spatial configuration of the school complex characterizes the building’s execution as well. Industrially prefabricated columns, beams, and roofs were used, The facade incorporates windows between aluminum sheets.