Bodø Town Hall, Bodø
Atelier Lorentzen Langkilde- Type Institutional Town Hall / City Hall / Government
- Material Stone
- Date 2019
- City Bodø
- Country Norway
- Photographer Adam Mørk

Located in the Arctic Circle, the project transforms and connects the two existing buildings, and dialogs with them through color and the pattern of the faceted facades of Jura Stone of the new volume, whose angles capture the changing northern light...
Obra Work
Ayuntamiento de Bodø Bodø Town Hall, Bodø (Norway)
Cliente Client
Municipality of Bodø
Arquitectos Architects
Atelier Lorentzen Langkilde
Arquitectos principales Lead Architects
Kristian Langkilde, Kasper Lorentzen
Ingeniería Engineering
Buro Happold, Hjellnes Consult, ÅF Engineering AS
Paisajismo Landscape
Atelier Lorentzen Langkilde
Contratista principal Main contractor
Gunvald Johansen as
Contratista técnico principal Main Technical contractor
Caverion as
Acústica Acoustics
Brekke & Strand arkustikk as
Artistas Artists
Per Kristian Nygård, Rune Johansen
Colaboradores Collaborators
Caverion as (evaluación y seguridad M&E and security), HS Hansen, Franken Schotter (fachada facade), Gunvald Johansen as, Lindner, Henriksen Snedkeri (carpintería joinery), Caverion as (electricidad y fontanería electrician and plumbing), H.S. Hansen, Deco (acristalamiento y muro cortina glazing and curtain wall), Gunvald Johansen as (pavimentos, puertas y cubierta flooring, doors and roofing), SML Lighting / Intra Lighting (sujeciones e iluminación fixtures and lighting)
Fotografía Photographs
Adam Mørk